Referendum result 'confirms a wish, but not the truth' - Edwin Vassallo

Mosta MP Edwin Vassallo says that people’s vote in referendum “confirms a wish but not the truth.”

Former parliamentary secretary Edwin Vassallo stressed that contrary to the “trend of being atheist” he was proud to express his sound Christian values, and criticised the media for hounding MPs to know how they will vote on the impending divorce bill in the house.

Vassallo – known for his conservative views – took the podium during the PN general council and stressed that the PN is an inclusive party, however he warned against proposals to ‘update’ the document that spells out the party’s beliefs (Fehmiet Bazici)

The Mosta MP said that the PN’s Christian values are “evidence of the truth” and added that they are the same values that led the PN to repeated electoral victories and distinguishes the PN from the Labour Party.

“The popular vote does not mean that this truth changes. It confirms people’s wishes but it is still not the truth,” he said.

“We are not a party of convenience, but a party that believes in Christian values, and these are not to trade,” he said.

Edwin Vassallo said that 2,000 years of Christianity is evidence enough that Catholic values are worth something.

“Inclusivity is our doctrine, the PN embraces this doctrine and a vote according to conscience is a liberal act by our Prime Minister,” Vassallo said.

Congrats to my fellow bloggers for their comments. The super economy build by GonziPN has been reduced to a tent in ta Qali hosting our National Fair! It would be fitting to put our parliament in a tent as well. Hat off to Xifajk! And like Juda, our politicians have taken their thirty pieces of gold many times over and now want to teach us about Christianity. Sandy - your comments spot on.
Ma nafx ghalfejn se nonfqu l-miljuni biex nibnu parlament gdid. Tinda tac-cirku kienet tkun bizzejjed biex dawn il-buffi jmorru jdahhqu fiha!! Almenu konna niggwadanjaw xi haga ghax konna nirreklamawha bhala spettaklu uniku li jsir fid-dinja u tghidx kemm ikollna turisti!!! Kif ma jisthux? Qatt ma niftakar gvern taz-zufjett daqs dan il-gvern.
Kieku kontu veru insara Hon Vassallo,kieku kontu taqbadu dak li hadtu kontra ir-rieda tal-poplu dawn l-ahhar tlett snin u tpogguh lura fil-kaxxa ta Malta, ghaliex ma kellkomx l-approvażżjoni tal-poplu biex tieduhom. Jew inthom qabbel fejn jaqbel? Biex ikolkom kuxjenza safja riedtu il-poplu jiehu id-decizjoni dwar id-divorzju w il-poplu issa iddecida, jew il-maggoranza ma tghodhx issa?. Allura jekk inthom daqshekk irgiel insara ghaliex ma taghmlux referendum iehor dwar il flus li ma kelkom l-edba mandat biex tiehdu? Kristu ukoll qal "itma lil min hu bil guh etc etc etc" imma inthom tmajtu lilkom infuskom BISS u haddiehor hallejtuh fil-faqar
L-onor. Vassallo ghandu kull dritt ghal opinjoni u twemmin religjuz li jrid huwa. Li nara hazin fih huwa meta jkun inkonsistenti, u nghid ghaliex. Jien bhalu nemmen fir-religjon ta' Kristu. Imma meta jkun hemm l-abjad nghidlu abjad dejjem u l-iswed nghidlu iswed dejjem. Nistaqsi lil Onor Vassallo - taqbel mal hafna u hafna gideb li sar mill-PN lejlet l-elezzjoni biex irbahtuha? Fostl-aktar famuzi hemm dik lil tat-Tarzna fejn weghdtuhom aktar xoghol u li mhux ser taghlqu l-azjenda taghhom. Hemm bosta u bosta gideb iehor li trid patafjun biex tiktbu kollu. Taqbel mal-gideb inti? Tkun parti minnu meta jitfassal? Topponih? Jidhirli qatt ma smajtek tikkundanah anzi meta gieli segwejtek fuq it-TV dejjem smajtek tiddefendih b'xi skuza jew ohra. Tinsiex Onor Vassallo li l-poplu jiggudikana fuq din id-dinja imma hemm gudizzju iehor aktar importanti u s-sewwa ma fihx kantunieri u ghandu jinghad dejjem u kullimkien f'kull cirkostanza.
Is Edwin Vassallo a religious zealot...a fanatic ? Guess so. I constantly mix him up with Adrian Vassallo, the other hardcore catholic.. Then again, the only difference between them is the party they belong to.
As the bible says: . It is a sin to eat shellfish and pork. . It is a sin to lend money and charge interest. . You are allowed to sell your daughters into slavery. . Etc.,etc.
Mur biegh il qlizet ta taht ghax aktar tinqala.
Jien ijli insegwi il-politica maltija ghall dawn l-ahhar 40 sena , injurant u purcinell bhall dan ghadni qatt ma rajt !
@xprun - well said! but if I may I'll add...some people are natural born jesters. If what this clown is implying was not so dangerous and offensive, it would be a perfect script for a comedy! Keep going Edwin, pity Moira Orfei hasn't visited for quite a while now, you'd be the perfect star attraction.
Edwin ammettuha....tfajtu d-deċiżjoni fuqna l-poplu u malajr urejnikhom it-triq...issa trid u ma' tridx id-divorzju hemm ser ikun. Ara ż-żieda infami li bis-saħħa tiegħek ukoll ħadu sħabek kienet xewqa li saret realta'...! aħna wkoll kellna xewqa li niżdiedu imma bl-€1.16 ħallejtuna...!
"PN’s Christian values are 'evidence of the truth'." I thought Christianity is a Religion, where there is absolutely no truth but faith. And any MP must understand that they are our subjects, not vice-versa. So what he either pursues our mandate, or cease being a representative of the public. He can take his beliefs elsewhere.
Adrian Busuttil
Go back to sleep, Edwin you self-righteous prig.
This man is not content with taking us for a ride but insists on insulting our intelligence. I tell you Edwin what the truth is. Your party came in power by a whisker and instead of being a party for all Maltese you became the party of your inner friends and cliques. Please please do us all a favour and call an early general election NOW. I am sure you will be the first one who will be retired.
Kulhadd ghandu jisma' u jghix is-sejha tieghu fil-hajja. Min hu tajjeb biex ibiegh il-buttuni, ricipetti u qliezet ta' taht u min hu tajjeb biex jirrapprezenta l-poplu fil-parlament.
"PN Christian values that led the PN to repeated electoral victories." What?????? No Edwin, LIES and FALSE PROMISES led to PN Victories and these are condemned by Jesus Christ whom I believe in. And I agree that values distinguish P.N. from P.L. because the P.N. uses Christ for his convenience whereas the P.L. believes in Christ's teachings with facts. "Dak li taghmlu ma l-izghar wiehed fostkom tkunu qeghdin taghmluh Mieghi!" Ever read these words Edwin???? When did your party act on them??? Hypocrites!!!
Rega tkellem ill Monsinjur Edwin Vassallo. Tonsura u suttana jonqsu. Ghax ma jmurs ikompli jbiegh il-Flip-lops, mela jigi jippontifika fuq ir-rizultat tar-referendum kif jaqbillu hu? U min qallu li min ivvota IVA hu ateist? Dan qed jiggennen, jew? Jekk hu veru demokristjan kif jiprofessa li hu, ghax ma jmurx jiehu parir minghand shabu id-Demokristjani Taljani, Germanizi, Francizi u ohrajn biex jara kif jahsbuha huma fuq id-divorzju?
If truth be told, the Maltese people are at wit's end listening to boorish and pathetic people like Edwin, who after all was rejected at the last election but is still enjoying parliamentary benefits due to the generosity of this country's undemocratic constitution. Regarding his reasonong of conscience by this quotation is nothing but absolute hypocrisy. "Edwin Vassallo said that 2,000 years of Christianity is evidence enough that Catholic values are worth something." My question to Edwin is this. How does he evaluate the catholic values that abused mentally, physically and sexually all those innocent children or discover his own conscience in years back when he was galavanting with his wife in Brussels on European Funds allocated to Malta? And isn't this the same Edwin Vassallo that in a moment of national conscience had suggested that SEX TOURISM should be promoted?
Lawrence Covin
Sorry, I forgot to say something important: how can he expect people to be taxed if he does not represent the majority. No taxation without representation.
Lawrence Covin
This man has dangerous ideas. He cannot comprehend that Democracy is as stringent and absolute as the Catholic Faith, and there is no place for him in contemporary Parliamentary life.
By the way Mr Vassallo, there is one flag missing in the picture. Have a guess. It has the colours yellow and white in it.
"It confirms people’s wishes but it is still not the truth,” he said. As a true democrat Mr Vassallo believes that there are many views to every argument. Namely HIS and the WRONG ONES. Wow. What an intellectual!!! If ignorance was strength (1984) a new iron man of Malta has been born.
Whenever this oracle speaks stop and listen and you would be amazed at the amount of wisdom which oozes from his mouth. Keep at it Edwin - where's the liberal trait in you that Tonio Borg boasted of yesterday? The problem with Edwin he does not know where to stop, he keeps blubbers on and on and seems to delight himself with this.
Sur Edwin, what your trying to do now, we'll do the same to you in next Election, we are PN supporters couple but if it was for PN we would not even dream of to think about Divorce and start all over again.... Next Election you will have the answer, your playing your game now, then we play ours....
Sur Edwin. QraJt l-omelija li ghogbok taghmel waqt il-laqgha tal-Kunsill Generali tal-PN. Ftahart bil-valuri "KRISTJANI" tal-PN. U b'dawn il-valuri " Kristjani" kollha, il-partit tieghek DEJJEM IVVOTA KONTRA l-mizuri verament KRISTJANI li dahhal f'pajjizna gvern laburista : il-pensjoni, il-bonus, ic-children allowance, li sptarijiet u s-servizz tas-sahha b'xejn, l-edukazzjoni b'xejn anki fluniversita, il-paga l-istess ghan-nisa bhal tal-irgiel, il-vot lin-nisa u l-vot wiehed ghal-kullhadd etc..etc.. Il-PN rekord tal-misthija ghandu fuq dawn il-mizuri KRISTJANI ! Tithajjarx tibda tqarben u taghmel l-omeliji fil-Knisja tar-Rotunda tal-Mosta issa ?! Eddy Priviyera
Sur Edwin Vassallo...........I agree with you........It was a wish ...the truth is that with this vote, from 100 voters 53 wants to GET RID of you and your government. In my opinion you either respect those who elected you ( and forget about the bull s... of conscience and Christian values ) or else RESIGN, and start a new job as a missionary.
You belong in the zoo.
Very soon Vassallo will say that the PN has a monopoly on truth and that it has the duty to rule by Dive Right!!!! We are witnessing a degeneration of Maltese politics! A change in government is urgently needed for we are slipping back into the Dark Middle Ages! The truth is that the Divorce issue has revealed the true DNA of the PN; confessional and ultra-conservative!
Luke Camilleri
Mhux qieghed jindana dan l'gharef li qieghed iddur f'cirku...Ma nafx kif ma pogghiex il-Bandiera tal-Vatikan ukoll warajh! . Veru hawn il-Bigoti f'dan ilpajjiz, kont nahseb li Oqbra mbajda biss hawn!
2000 years of Christianity are a myth, pure and simple. When Malta was under Muslim rule, the Maltese were Muslims. Most of the population tends to take on the faith of the rulers, and since we got independence, the Vatican has tried everything it could to ensure that they remained as rulers. . Besides, 53% in favour of divorce proves that even among those who are Catholic, not all accept everything that the Vatican representatives say to them without question. . The truth is that Malta wants to be secular, even while most of it remains Catholic. There should be separation of church and state.
And what is the truth?
Ooo la la Edwin... this just takes the biscuit!! You say “We are not a party of convenience, but a party that believes in Christian values, and these are not to trade,” You’re a party of convenience alright. You apply your conscience according to convenience. And you can keep your brand of Christian values. Many won’t be voting for them. QUOTE Edwin Vassallo said that 2,000 years of Christianity is evidence enough that Catholic values are worth something. UNQUOTE Did you know Satan has been around much longer than 2000 years? Where do you think the RC church gets some of its ideas from? QUOTE “Inclusivity is our doctrine, the PN embraces this doctrine and a vote according to conscience is a liberal act by our Prime Minister,” Vassallo said. UNQUOTE No, no Eddie... you’re not telling the truth. Exclusivity is your doctrine ... you would exclude the right to divorce, rights for homosexuals and other civil freedoms.
It seems that moral rot and corruption make certain politicians deeply and enthusiastically religious. (With a tip of the hat to Mark Twain.)
Democracy is the best system of governance that man has found so far, but it is far from perfect. And Edwin Vassallo is a perfect example of its worsts defect - that raving idiots can get themselves elected to parlliament and pretend to tell others what to do. When I think that this mans the power to decide which way my life can go, I break out in a cold sweat.
Adrian Busuttil
The PN's recent posturing just shows how very undemocratic 24 years in power have made them. It's a case of "Do as I say and not as I do"
Which, in my personal opinion means, that all those who voted YES are liars. I can understand why these "fundamentalists", who we do not need in politics, persist in not accepting the PEOPLE'S verdict and are coming out with the silliest of excuses. I hope that in two years time all these will be wiped away, unless they will do the most honourable thing and resign before the referendum voting in parliament.
Edwin - go get yourself a proper job and leave politics. Maybe you read up on politics before you quote Christianity. 2000 years of Christianity? Burning people at the stake, privileges for the few, support for fascism, molesting children. Yes - plenty of values to aspire to for a PN politician.
....the PN’s Christian values are “evidence of the truth” . . And I used to beleive that Christ is the truth, so now we have a new dogma.
Dear Edwin, between real Christianity values and Catholicism hemm bahar x'jaqsam. You know this but you will never admit it. Catholicism is all about power, Christianity is all about love for others.
What is this guy implying with "that the PN’s Christian values are “evidence of the truth” and added that they are the same values that led the PN to repeated electoral victories and distinguishes the PN from the Labour Party" Is he saying that the PN are christians while the PL are not? Is this guy serious? Where are the christian values in the lack of respect towards the people? in the lack of diversity? in the lack of democracy? Furthermore, he seems to have already forgotten the sense of corruption that has increased with each and every project that his party has been involved in. Most probably, since he is such a fervent Christian, he should leave the PN which is far from being Christian, at least when it comes to doing things.
What do christian values mean to you Edwin? . Give unto the poor to you means the PM and the cabinet give themselves a double wage plus a weekly increase of €500.
Edwin why not take a one way ticket to the Vatikan and find yourself a job over there.