Government has lost control of pandemic, Bernard Grech says
PN leader Bernard Grech says government has lost control of the pandemic due to 'incompetence and arrogance'

PN leader Bernard Grech convened an urgent meeting of the party’s COVID-19 action team in light of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases on Wednesday morning.
“It is clear that the health services have begun to collapse due to the rising rate of new COVID-19 infections,” Grech said on Facebook.
Dalgħodu sejjaħt laqgħa urġenti tal-COVID Action Team tal-Partit Nazzjonalista biex niddiskutu l-passi li jmiss. Dan...
Posted by Bernard Grech on Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Grech said it was evident that Prime Minister Robert Abela and Health Minister Chris Fearne had lost control of the pandemic due to their "incompetence and arrogance.”
This comes as Malta is expected to surpass 400 new COVID-19 cases today. A new record for the island.