[WATCH] Opposition wants COVID-19 risk assessments to be tabled in parliament
The Nationalist Party wants the risk assessment used to repeal the public health emergency last year to be tabled in parliament as it urges government to heed warnings by medical professionals

The Nationalist Party will be requesting that the risk assessment used to repeal the public health emergency in June last year be tabled in Parliament for further scrutiny.
On Sunday, Newsbook reported that the risk assessment in question was missing several details, while no internal or external consultation exercises were conducted in relation to the public health emergency or the effects of its repeal.
Konferenza tal-aħbarijietKonferenza tal-aħbarijiet tal-Partit Nazzjonalista mid-deputati Stephen Spiteri u Claudette Buttigieg.
Posted by Partit Nazzjonalista on Monday, March 15, 2021
In a COVID-19 press conference on Monday, PN health spokesperson Stephen Spiteri confirmed the Opposition will be asking for the risk assessments to be published.
Spiteri said the government is failing to listen to experts for advice on the pandemic, citing warnings issued over the past few days by several organisations representing medical professionals.

Addressing the press conference, PN MP Claudette Buttigieg referred to a statement issued by several health associations calling for a limit of two households on family gatherings over the Easter period.
"From where did the advice come to have four households mixing?" she asked, in reference to a new measure allowing up to four households to gather during private gatherings.
Spiteri said that hospital admissions are increasing, with those going to Mater Dei to receive emergency treatment often waiting hours until they can be looked at.
"We need to be clear with the public, and not offer a false sense of security," he said, while reiterating the party's call for stronger screening at Malta's air and sea ports. "We cannot have passengers coming off the catamaran from Sicily without these undergoing strict screening," he said.
Spiteri continued to emphasise the need for a public health emergency to be declared. He said this will grant the Superintendence of Public Health the power to issue stringent regulations to combat the pandemic and give people peace of mind that decisions are being taken free from political pressure.
The PN representatives also called for the creation of scientific advisory committee to support the public health authorities in the decisions they have to make to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Tougher restrictions were introduced last week as the number of new coronavirus cases surged and hospital admissions increased.