JPO, Mugliett to snub PN general council as Gonzi tries to fend off fragmentation

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will face his party this morning and attempt to quell tensions and growing concerns of fragmentation in the wake of last month’s referendum result.

He will take the podium to close the bi-annual PN general council and take note of two major absentees from the floor: his backbenchers Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett.

Their absence will stand out, because it conveys the message that reconciliatory tones on stage are not enough, and perhaps interpreted as a mise-en-scene and that the divide is not just related to the divorce issue. 

It’s a snub that comes despite repeated attempts by secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier to insist on the word “reconciliation” towards who is in disagreement with the party, but also balancing this approach by insisting on a party open to “those of good will.”

Three years into this legislature, Gonzi is now faced with the consequences of his alienation to the damage that gradually set into the party’s machinery since the inception  of ‘GonziPN’ –  a brand name that almost buried the name Partit Nazzjonalista, visibly inducing divide and making it exclusionist to those close to the Gonzi clan.

See full report and analysis in today's print edition of MaltaToday

I was moved by Beppe Fenech Adami's call for moral support to Air Malta workers who are going to face the Axe in a few weeks time. Almost puked. These are the workers who a few years ago were told by a certain Bulldozer Minister of this Government that they had to agree to a wage freeze or else get booted out. Well they did sign to a wage freeze and now many years later they are going to be booted out just the same. Under a different Minister of course but from the same Government. I let the people think who is next online.
Luke Camilleri
Mela nehhulhom il-GPS il-MPS Nazzjonalisti bhal ma kellhom meta marru jfittxu il-Franco Debono? Mhux fragmenation imma BOOTING out hemm bzonnghal Gonzipn , ghax too late for a re-start! Importanti li jkompli jzomm il-Pawlu Borg Olivier bhala Segretarju Generali !
Tghid il lejla jkun hemm xi hadd bil KUK.. u jikkummenta dwar DIRECT ORDER SSHHHHHHHHHHHHH
L-ironija hi li dawn iz-zewg deputati kienu l-iktar tnejn (jew fost l-aktar) li qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni kienu kkritikati mill-PL. Jesmond Mugliett fuq il-bridge ta Manwel Dimech u JPO fuq il-Mistra. Zgur hadd ma jista jghid li dawn id-deputati huma xi hbieb jew influwenzati mill-PL!!!
Dr sant kien ragel u nispera li l-istorja ghad trid tpoggieh fejn jixraqlu, dr Gonzi wasalt mal-hajt u dan ad-dannu tal-pajjiz! kun ragel u ghamel li ghandek taghmel !
Il-gvern prezenti huwa identiku ghal gvern ta KMB, bla direzzjoni. Aktar ma jkun hemm bidla fil Gvern malajr, ahjar ghal Malta u ghal PN biex jibda jindaf.
Bejnillinji....qed tghaggel siehbi...x'imhatra ma tispiccawix din is sena fil Gvern!
JPO U JM ma' kienux prezenti ghax riedu u ghazlu huma jew ghax qalulhom biex ma' jersqux 'l hemm?
guidocforte trid vot sigriet biex fi xhin johrog ir-rizultat ta 95 jew 96% favur tohorgu iddoqqu t-trombi bin-numri ta 4 jew 5%...... ibqa stenna sentejn u erga stenna ohra...
Dr Gonzi if you have any guts and decency call an early election you are not fit to govern with a party in agony. Dr Alfred Sant showed you the way gentleman act, gentleman who are not ready to have strings attached and pulled by back benchers. You are harming the country because you are more concerned with keeping your hybrid flock together than to look after the wellfare of the Maltese people. Dr Gonzi it is time for you to go, it is time to RECONCILIATE yourself with your conscience and not with your MPs.
Dr. Gonzi......L-ewwel haga li ghandek tghamel, hija li b`vot sigriet titlob " Vot ta fiducja ". B`hekk isserrah mohhok li ghad ghandek ta l`anqas tal partit tieghek warajk.
Luke Camilleri
Silencing of the Dissidents - The Gonzipn Way - UNITED IN DIVERSITY!
I was not surprised, read this: