Agius brothers and associates to be indicted over Caruana Galizia and Chircop murders after magistrate finds enough evidence
The court rules that there is enough prima facie evidence to indict Adrian Agius, his brother Robert Agius, Jamie Vella and George Degiorgio over their involvement in the murders of Carmel Chircop and Daphne Caruana Galizia
Murder suspect Adrian Agius wanted Carmel Chircop dead because the lawyer was chasing him to pay up a substantial debt, the court has heard.
Agius owed Chircop hundreds of thousands and was concerned about his villa at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, convicted murderer Vince Muscat testified this morning.
This was why Agius had approached George Degiorgio for a hit job to get rid of the lawyer, Muscat said.
Chircop was eventually shot dead in a garage complex in Birkirkara in October 2015.
Adrian Agius, his brother Robert, Jamie Vella and George Degiorgio are charged with the murder and Muscat was granted a presidential pardon to tell all. The four men are also charged in relation to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder.
At the end of today’s sitting, Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo ruled there was enough prima facie evidence to indict the accused.
In court today, Muscat gave a blow by blow account of how Chircop was gunned down in the morning as he opened his garage.
The assassins arrived at dawn and parked in a dark spot inside the garage complex.
“We knew he'd soon be there and Vella kept watch… Our car was always running, never off. As Chircop appeared… Jamie opened the window... The lawyer was alone. He went up the ramp, opened the garage door. As soon as the key lock popped we drove up to him and fired between four and five shots,” Muscat recounted.
Vella was the one who used the weapon – a pistol that would not discard empty shells.
Muscat testified how he had received €5,000 before the murder, another €10,000 from George Degiorgio a couple of days after the assassination and €5,000 from Robert Agius some 10 days later.
Muscat, who has been sentenced to 15 in prison for his involvement in the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder, is testifying in the compilation of evidence against brothers Adrian and Robert Agius, known as Tal-Maksar, Jamie Vella and George Degiorgio.
Muscat was given a presidential pardon to tell all on the Chircop murder.
Robert Agius and Jamie Vella are charged with supplying the bomb that killed Daphne Caruana Galizia in October 2017.
Adrian Agius is charged with commissioning the murder of lawyer Carmel Chircop in 2015. Vella and George Degiorgio are charged with executing Chircop’s assassination in a garage complex in Birkirkara.
George Degiorgio is currently undergoing separate procedures, along with his brother Alfred, for his involvement in the Caruana Galizia murder.
Key courtroom players
Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo is presiding.
Lawyers Alfred Abela and Rene Darmanin are defence counsel to the Agius brothers. Lawyer William Cuschieri is appearing for George Degiorgio.
Lawyer George Camilleri is representing the Attorney General in the proceedings, while Superintendent Keith Arnaud and Inspectors Shawn Pawney and Wayne Camilleri are prosecuting.
Lawyers Jason Azzopardi and Therese Comodini Cachia are appearing parte civile for the Caruana Galizia family, while lawyer Vince Galea is appearing for the Chircop family.
READ MORE: Koħħu testifies on Caruana Galizia murder: 'A bomb was easier... you press a button on the phone'