Degiorgio brothers request pardon to reveal ex-minister’s involvement in Caruana Galizia murder
The brothers say that they will name an ex-minister who commissioned the murder, and a separate sitting minister involved in a ‘major crime’

Updated at 4:45pm with lawyer's comments and Caruana Galizia family statement
Alfred and George Degiorgio have requested a presidential pardon to tell all about the politicians involved in the Daphne Caruana Galizia assassination.
The brothers addressed two separate letters to President George Vella asking for a pardon in return for concrete evidence on the Daphne Caruana Galizia case.
Leak just into me from Malta : confirmed two men accused of planting bomb that killed journalist Daphne have also now asked for a pardon and immunity to testify what they know of involvement of politicians.
— Stephen Grey (@StephenGrey) March 23, 2021
Alfred Degiorgio is claiming that he will name an ex-minister who commissioned the murder, as well as an unnamed middleman that has so far faced no charges in relation to the case, and has neither been granted a presidential pardon, thus ruling out Melvin Theuma.
He further maintains that he has credible information on a theft and homicide, which involved an ex-minister and a sitting minister.
George Degiorgio similarly claims that he has information on the person who commissioned the murder, and the as-yet unnamed middleman. He maintains that he also has evidence on a separate homicide, specifically on the commissioner of the murder as well as the person who executed it.
He says that he has further information on two bomb-related crimes that happened in recent years - crimes for which no one has been arraigned in court over.
George Degiorgio is also asking for his 'partner' Anca-Adelina Pop, accused with money-laundering crimes, to be granted a presidential pardon with him.
Contacted by MaltaToday, their lawyer William Cuschieri emphasised that this is first-hand direct knowledge. "This request must be treated in the same manner as any other request made in this way. Not discarded because it mentions involvement of certain individuals who occupy or occupied certain posts."
The information was first leaked by Stephen Grey, the Reuters journalist who uncovered the 17-Black ownership structure linking it to Yorgen Fenech.
Her killers should not be pardoned - Daphne Foundation
In reaction to the request for a pardon, the Caruana Galizia family issued a statement saying that full justice can only be served if the killers receive the punishment that fits their crime.
"Justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia means her murderers should not be pardoned. Past crimes should not be cashed as currency for killers to buy their way out of justice for murder," the statement reads.