AD warns against restricting IVF to appease PM's 'ultra-conservative core'

Alternattiva Demokratika - the Green party, has warned that restricting embryo freezing in the name of 'religious conscience' will render in vitro fertilisation "virtually inaccessible" to a wide range of people who need the treatment.

Referring to statements by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi on the proposal of oocyte vitrification - the freezing of ova - instead of embryo freezing to circumvent problems of conscience on IVF, AD said such a law would restrict IVF to people who "do not fit into the preconceived and restrictive views of who should be considered responsible enough to raise children."

"Those who push forward the idea that a person would chose to undergo such treatment capriciously is wrong and insulting to people who really wish to conceive," AD secretary-general Ralph Cassar said.

Cassar added that AD's position is that laboratory and medical practices should be regulated to safeguard the health of the patient and avoid complications. "Restricting IVF so much that the procedure becomes too difficult or using regulation to pass misplaced and uncalled moral judgement on the infertile person who resorts to the medical profession for help, amounts to an attempt at social engineering."

Cassar said the proposed law is already very restrictive and any further restrictions "to please the Prime Minister's ultra-conservative power base" will effectively mean a ban on IVF.

Prof. Arnold Cassola, AD spokesperson on EU and International Affairs, added that there are already very serious laws adopted in various EU countries on IVF.

"The Select Committee in parliament, composed of the three doctors-parliamentarians Jean Pierre Farrugia, Michael Farrugia, and Frans Agius, had unanimously agreed on a draft law based on existing European legislation. Why is government now throwing their work down the drain and making things much more restrictive?"

CJohnZammit I am afraid you need to ask a priest or someone mate. I have no idea what you are talking about. Religion is not my forte
Perhaps Mr. Vincenti would care to explain how, until Pope Leo XIII came around, the infallible Catholic Church condoned abortions ... or, how his ilk resorted to perform an abortion, of a late-term foetus, to produce their infernal movie, "The Eclipse of Reason".   Hallina nghixu, Sur Pawl.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
P. Vincenti Didn't you also say divorce leads to abortion?
P Vincenti - another (amongst many) with a cobwebbed mind - reminiscent of the of the of 19th century. Finds a cosy place within the conservative PN.
Gilbert Bartolo
Well maybe Paul Vincenti should bark up the Nationalist MPs tree who authored a parliamentary report bout IVF.... but then again Vicenti always was a PN-stooge...or maybe he has already got assurances that the bill will be watered down from his bosom buddies Tonio Borg and Lawrence Gonzi.... let infertile people get the treatment they deserve and stick your head somewhere else....
Once again the PN bigotry at its best. People seeking assistance to conceive should be given all support necessary. IVF and ICSI are widely practiced particulalarly abroaqd. Here it is done by private practice. The legal framework is tantamount to be an infringement of a human right. At least there is the freedom to go abroad and undergo this albeit at a very high price. But here in Malta we are still a little mediaval fiefdom ruled by the klikka. WHEN R WE GOING TO BEHAVE LIKE EUROPEANS???
It seems that the AD favour embryo freezing only as it is more liberal. They support it even if it is not necessary only because it is more liberal. If we allow for the routine practice of freezing human embryos as part of a standard IVF treatment protocol we will in fact be ushering in a culture that regards human life, in its most fragile stages as being a sort of sub-human. This is what leads to an abortive mentality. The stakes are very high. The AD should explain why they are insisting on embryo freezing when oocyte freezing produces the same success rates. What is their agenda here?
Conservative in the sense that they have the moral of medieval despots. Conservative in using an alliance of state and religion to rule over a country, that has no place in a democracy. Democracy in turn requires and assumes that the electorate are not dumb morons and this is why they have bastardized our democracy to the state that its in today - but finally (and i believe thanks to the internet) the people are evolving from dumb idiots to citizens that deserve and demand democracy. Conservative in the sense of passing ministries from father to son and other family business, mocking us with a hereditary democratic system. At the end of the day - all this talk about conservative and secular by PN shows one thing very clear. They still don't understand what is happening in the c ountry. They cannot see beyond their own selfish lust for power - the people want you all gone to hell. Clear out. You and your sons are as relevant to the future of Malta as your friend Geddafi is to Libya.
I am afraid that the AD have no clue about how IVF is carried out. Their statement is completely scientifically incorrect. I would have thought that they could have at least sought out some expert medical advice before jumping into the debate in an obvious attempt to score political mileage. (oocyte) Egg freezing offers the very same success results as with embryo freezing. The success rates are comparable scientifically. Thus there is no reason to turn to embryo freezing at all with vitrification. If AD are in fact aware of this reality, this is even more worrying as it could mean that the AD are in favor of embryo freezing and the eventual destruction of embryos that follows just for the heck of it. The AD’s position on human life at conception has always been unclear. This statement however just adds to the confusion. Are the AD pro-life? They are not if they advocate the freezing and destruction of human life and the freezing of human embryos.