Police cannot close down establishment without court order

Restaurateurs say landmark ruling stops police from closing down establishment without court order.

The First Hall of the Civil Court today ordered the Commissioner of Police to desist from closing down the Villa Brasserie, which forms part of the Hotel Meridien at Balluta Bay in St Julian’s, or hindering it from organising parties, weddings, conferences or other meetings.

In a court sentence handed down by Mr Justice Joseph R. Micallef, the court said the police order could not be used against a business establishment’s legal conduct.

The police was found to have taken the law in its hands by the court, after “threatening” to close down the premises, following a judicial protest filed by the entrepreneur Marin Hili, who lives close to the bar and restaurant.

A spokesperson for the Villa Brasserie said Hili had filed the protest against restaurant owners Jeremy Cassar Torregiani and Mario Hammett. “Over the past several months he sent innumerable letters, I believe over thirty, complaining practically every day to the police and putting unlawful pressure, to my mind and to that of my clients, to stop any function advertised or held at The Villa,” Dr Kenneth Grima said.

The Court held that the Commissioner of Police may not decide unilaterally to close down a commercial operation on its own initiative and without due process of Law.  The Court upheld Cassar Torregiani’s thesis that is only the court that may close a shop, restaurant or other commercial premises and not the Commissioner of Police acting in his executive capacity.

“I believe this decision breaks new ground. Until only last week, and during the hearing of the case, Superintendent Stephen Gatt insisted with the judge that the police have the right, if they believe the provisions of a particular permit are being breached, to close down a commercial premises.

“As a result of this decision the police are now prohibited from taking the law in their owns hands and acting as judge and jury in first closing the premises and afterwards seeing what a court of law has to say,” Dr Grima said.

TheCourt ordered that the police should first obtain a court ruling that decides in the Commissioner’s favour or in favour of the competent authorities, to close down a commercial premises or withhold it from holding an event.

under trading licence (amendment)Regulations 2006 PART 1 Prelimanary Page B 80 paragraph (e) the police commissioner can close a place after obtaining the signiture of the Minister responsible for trade for 30 days. A police inspector can close a place for 12 hours This is very clear
Jekk tinqala glieda barra jew gewwa qabel jidhlu jissograw sahhithom min ikun jiggieled jista jibqa joqtol lil xulxin. X'qorti din. mhux ta b'xejn konna qrajna fuq prim imhallef u imhallef ghax b'din is-sentenza jien nghid li ma rridux ordni..u jien nghid li ma jmur jintrifes xi kallu.....
The police should have the right ........and obligation to implement rules and regulations if these are beune breached - this is not being a police state rubbish who said so. Otherwise knowing how fast our courts are in dispensing justice - maybe after ten years - this who are in the wrong will have a field day.
Its time to implement some serious noise pollution rules in Malta. Ending up living with a bar just around the corner or with your house in the middle of a construction site may bring a person in the brink of madness. I share the thought made by many people in here that law should be equal for everyone. However I'm not jealous of Mr Hili's situation. Living just few steps away from such 'restaurant' is far from ideal. Everyone deserves a good sleep after work.
Police took law into their own hands? Finally someone noticed. But it had to be the Meridien before justice was done. Wonder what chances xi Cuc Malti would have getting justice in this country.
This is not your ordinary git, this is Marin Hili. I said it all capisc?
Jaqaw sejrin insiru Stat Pulizjesk ? Jew sejrin insiru pajjiez tat -tielet dinja
police state, welcome to iran, arghh sorry saudia arabia
What about other bars in Paceville, playing loud music till early hours. Police never took just a drastic action, dan ghax mhux Hili? kull hadd jaf x'qed jigri