President appoints four new judges
President appoints magistrates Neville Camilleri and Audrey Demicoli, and lawyers Christian Falzon Scerri and Ian Spiteri Bailey as judges

Two magistrates and two lawyers have been appointed judges by President George Vella after recommendations made by the Judicial Appointments Committee.
Magistrates Neville Camilleri and Audrey Demicoli, and lawyers Christian Falzon Scerri and Ian Spiteri Bailey, will now serve as judges in the Superior Courts.
The President said that 29 candidates applied to be considered for the post of judge in response to an expression of interest issued by Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis in February for four vacancies.
The President said on Tuesday he received a detailed report on a list of 12 candidates that were deemed suitable to become judges by the Judicial Appointments Committee.
The Constitution allows the President to appoint members of the judiciary on the advice of the JAC.
In line with his constitutional obligations, Vella also published the full list of candidates that the JAC deemed to be suitable for appointment to judge.
These included magistrates Doreen Clarke, Josette Demicoli, Donatella Frendo Dimech, Charmaine Galea, Natashsa Galea Sciberras, Claire Stafrace Zammit and Gabriella Vella; and lawyer Michael Camilleri.