Cabinet rejects pardon requests by Degiorgio brothers and Vince Muscat
Cabinet has rejected requests for presidential pardons by murder suspects Alfred and George Degiorgio and self-confessed murderer Vince Muscat • Minister Carmelo Abela recuses himself
Cabinet has rejected pardon requests made by brothers Alfred and George Degiorgio, and Vince Muscat after advice given by the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner.
“Cabinet’s decision is not only based on the advice given by the relevant institutions, but is also in the best interest of the country and justice,” a statement said.
Earlier, Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa and Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg were seen entering Castille where a Cabinet meeting was being held.
Last month, Vincent Muscat, known as il-Koħħu, requested a second presidential pardon to reveal inside information on another murder and two failed hold-ups.
Muscat had already been given a pardon in February to tell all about the murder of lawyer Carmel Chircop. He confessed to the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia in February and was sentenced to 15 years in prison following a plea bargain agreement.
The Degiorgio brothers subsequently asked for a presidential pardon, saying they could give direct information on the involvement of a former minister in the Caruana Galizia murder and the HSBC hold-up 11 years ago; and the involvement of a sitting minister in the same hold-up.
The brother stand charged with executing Caruana Galizia’s murder.
READ ALSO: Ministerial links, the Degiorgios and their pardons
Lawyer Jason Azzopardi has pointed his finger at OPM Minister Carmelo Abela as the sitting minister. Abela denied the claim and filed urgent libel proceedings against Azzopardi.
The Cabinet statement this morning said that following the allegations made by Azzopardi, Carmelo Abela withdrew from the meeting.
“Minister Abela explained that although there was no statutory or other reason to recuse himself, to avoid anyone trying to cast doubt on Cabinet’s impartiality and work he chose to withdraw from the meeting,” the statement said.
Lawyer William Cuschieri, who is appearing for the Degiorgio brothers, told MaltaToday that his clients had not received an acknowledgement for their requests and were not even spoken to by the police or the AG.