Robert Abela gets the AstraZeneca COVID-19 jab
Prime Minister Robert Abela receives first COVID-19 vaccine • Calls on people to do the same in order to continue fighting the virus

The Prime Minister Robert Abela has received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Taking to Facebook, Abela called on people eligible for the vaccine to get inoculated in order to safe guard each other.
Abela recieved the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Illum kien imiss lili li nieħu t-tilqima kontra l-Covid-19. Kull min jista’, għandu jieħu t-tilqima, għaliex biha...
Posted by Robert Abela on Monday, May 3, 2021
He also thanked workers and volunteers at vaccination centres for their service.
On Sunday, the Opposition leader Bernard Grech also received the first dose of the vaccine.
“I encourage those who can take it to get vaccinated when it is their turn. Like that, together we can continue fighting this pandemic,” he said.
READ ALSO: Opposition leader gets the COVID-19 vaccine