Lydia Abela tests positive for COVID-19, Prime Minister in quarantine
Lydia Abela tests positive for coronavirus • Prime Minister’s wife is doing fine and had no symptoms

Lydia Abela has tested positive for COVID-19 following what appears to be a mandatory test ahead of official duties in the coming days.
It was Prime Minister Robert Abela who in a Facebook post on Wednesday night, divulged the news of his wife’s coronavirus test result. The Prime Minister and the couple’s daughter have tested negative.
Marti Lydia rriżultat pożittiva għall-Covid-19 wara test li għamlet minħabba impenji li kellna fil-jiem li ġejjin. ...
Posted by Robert Abela on Wednesday, 5 May 2021
“Lydia is fine and she had no symptoms. My test results and those of Giorgia Mae came out negative. Naturally, this means that we have started observing a period of quarantine,” the Prime Minister said.
Abela said that he will continue working from home during this period.
“With the benefit of technology, I will continue with my duties, including important meetings that I have in the coming days,” he said.