Landlords lobby warns rent-control reform will be legislative fiasco
Maltese property landlords say government will squanders millions in rents for ‘illicit reform’

Maltese property landlords have formed an association as the tide changes in their favour and against continued rent controlled agreements.
Bolstered by decisions in the European Court of Human Rights and upheld by the Constitutional Court in Malta, the Malta Property Owners Association (MPOA) is objecting to government-funded payments for rent-control tenants in a bid not to force their immediate eviction.
“We are disappointed by the controlled leases reform bill put forward by Government,” the MPOA said in its 40-page long analysis of the reform, which aims at keeping meritorious, mainly ageing tenants inside their rent-controlled properties until death. Other less meritorious cases will be allowed a two-year chance to find alternative housing.
“These public funds could have been utilised to offer social housing to meritorious tenants and offer just rental values to the owners who have been offering social housing themselves for decades,” the MPOA said.
“Regrettably further millions will be squandered in the coming years through yet another illicit reform since the 2018 protected rent amendments which have already been condemned by the Strasbourg Court.”
The MPOA warned that tenants were still facing uncertainty through promised protection which might ultimately result in yet another legislative fiasco.