Superintendent Geoffrey Azzopardi to serve in European prosecution office
Azzopardi will join Martin Sammut as Malta's European Delegated Prosecutor
The College of European Prosecutors has accepted the nomination of Superintendent Geoffrey Azzopardi to act as Malta’s European Delegated Prosecutor.
Azzopardi was promoted to the rank of Superintendent in September 2015, in June 2016 he graduated and received his warrant to practice as a lawyer.
He was selected following a scrutiny process by the College of European Prosecutors, which is the main entity tasked with the administration of the EPPO.
Government had promised to appoint two European Prosecutors upon the request of the European Public Prosecutors' Office.
In a statement on Wednesday, government congratulated Azzopardi on his appointment.
This role falls within the structures of the European Public Prosecutors Office (EPPO) established in 2017, of which Malta became a participating member in October 2018.
Two weeks ago, lawyer Martin Sammut was also accepted as Malta’s European Delegated Prosecutor.
EPPO was established in 2017 and Malta became a participating member in October 2018.
The office is an independent and decentralised prosecution office of the EU and can investigate, prosecute and bring to judgment crimes against the EU budget, such as fraud, corruption or serious cross-border VAT fraud.