‘Liberty not libertinism’ – small business secretary defends alcohol ban

Alcohol ban in confectioneries is uncompetitive and being piloted by small business secretary, says GRTU.

The Parliamentary Secretary for small business Jason Azzopardi has publicised a letter he sent to the GRTU today, after the chamber for SMEs accused him of pushing an alcohol ban on confectioneries against their will.

Azzopardi published minutes of a meeting with the GRTU in which the chamber demanded that a legal notice asking confectioneries to either forgo their wines and spirits licences, or close at 9pm, gets amended. Their specific demands were that confectioneries are not forced to close at 9pm.

“GRTU president Paul Abela specifically told me, on the eve of the amended legal notice, that the most important thing and of principle was that confectioneries won’t have to close at 9pm,” Azzopardi said.

The Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) says it wants the legal notice banning the sale of alcohol from confectioneries after 9pm, withdrawn. The law, described by the GRTU as retrograde, isintended at curbing so called ‘bottle-shops’ and street hawkers from selling alcohol outside entertainment areas like Paceville.

Azzopardi today also said that confectioneries have been prohibited from selling alcohol since 2002. "We humbly accepted your demands to allow confectioneries to stay open after 9pm, as long as they don't sell alcohol after that hour to respect the legal notice 186 of 2007," Azzopardi said.

Azzopardi also said that government suggested in meetings with the GRTU to give local councils the power to designate the closure of confectioneries selling alcohol after 9pm, if there is need. "Both you [Vince Farrugia] and Paul Abela vociferously disagreed with this suggestion."

GRTU director-genral Vince Farrugia said today it was unacceptable that retailers are burdened with the responsibility of people’s social behaviour, in this case alcohol abuse. “If this was a policy, the list of legal goods sold today without any restriction would dwindle drastically if such goods were abused.”

Azzopardi said that it was in consultation with the GRTU that penalties against the abusive retail of alcohol were made harsher. "We salute the law-abiding self-employed... This government is in favour of liberty, but not libertinism."

Azzopardi also said that GRTU vice-president Philip Fenech, who had actively campaigned for curbs on so called 'bottle shops' outside Paceville, who agreed with the original legal notice in March to have shops choose to either retain their wines and spirits licence and close at 9pm, or forgo the licence and stay open.

The GRTU has said the law restricts consumers from buying alcohol after a certain hour and from certain shops. “It is not government’s role to interfere in the market’s competitive structure and the GRTU is going to take legal steps as laid down in EU law.”

The GRTU also complained of “the resumption of the spectre of unnecessary police presence” inside shops and penalties against retailers. “We totally stand against the threats of suspensions of licences for six months and harsh penalties. A retailer’s livelihood and his family’s and employees’ depends on this business. For confectioneries and food stores, six months of closure means thousands of euros in wasted goods.”

The GRTU said the government was treating the self-employed like criminals and that the rules were being piloted by the parliamentary secretary responsible for small business and the self-employed, Jason Azzopardi.

Farrugia said only professional surveillance would prove effective against this phenomenon, using modern technology and specifically trained enforcement officers. “It is a problem of a social nature not commercial, and retailers should not be made to suffer because the authorities are incapable of resolving a problem through more efficient surveillance.”

When you pass comments about Vince Farrugia, please do not forget to call him by his real name ie St Vincent - after GRTU commemorated a day in his honour in remembrance of.......(don't know exactly what as the Court is still debating whether it was just brusing, severly bodily harm etc....) The biggest mouth on earth and who easiy changes sides as long as it benefits him! Do you remember that when Labour was in government he was made a director of many parastatal bodies, including Air Malta?
No one should be surprised by Mr Farrugia comments he is noting than a BIG TIME amateur you are a damm lucky one that you live in Malta you would never earn a living any were else in the world with your stupid brain you have.
U bilhaqq Sur Vince...........Tinshiex tghejd lil gvern, li il kejkijiet ikun fihom l- alkohol ukoll. Ara qeghdin sew f`dan il pajjiz.....
A confectionery is supposed to sell confectionery items. It amazes me that today confectineries sell everything and they are becoming a small supermarket in order to open on sundays. Alcohol should be banned from all shops at all times and can only be purchased from special shops. In england they call them off licence, and even there they have to close at a certain time and have to abide by very strict laws. in the future even cigarette machine will have to be removed and sold by producing identification.
Sur Farrugia ,Mhux wiehed ,lanqas tnejn,lanqas tlieat izda hamsa .Tiftakru din d dijkjarazzjoni ta Vince Farrugia ghall elizzjonijiet tal EU . Din hi haga sewwa ghax hafna zghazah kienu jixtru x xorb alkoholiku bil kwantita ghax jsibuh aktar irhis bla kontroll . Jien naqbel ma din d decizjoni u jekk trid sur Farrugja hudha kemm trid l-EU
Sur Vince.......... Din hija kwistjoni tas sikkina b`zewg ixfar. Iz zaghzagh taghna, qeghedin jiddamdmu min xi kiosk, confectionery, jew xi hanut ta ftit flus, qabel ma imorru jibdew is serata gewwa Paceville. Ir raguni hija semplici... li kif jersqu gol hwienet ta Paceville, il flus li ikollhom l`anqas ghal drink wiehed ma iservhom. Issa ara x`ser taghzlu, jew ta Paceville irazznu il prezzijiet ( li hija impossibbli ) jew il gvern ( la irid inehhi l-alkohol min go toroq ), johrog alcohol allowance liz zaghzagh sabiex jidamdmu wahda sew fejn jixtiequ huma, biex jinsew it tahwid li qeghed jghejxu fih. Taht il gvern tieghek kollox possibbli.
A law which is being piloted by one of the most confessional member of the cabinet ! It seems that some people want to take us back in the dark ages..