Coleiro Preca denies attempt to 'create a stir' and attract sympathy, followers

“I don’t want to revive an ugly experience,” says Labour MP Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. “I found myself in the midst of political crossfire, my family was threatened.”

Labour's health spokeswoman Marie Louise Coleiro Preca claimed that the divorce referendum campaign had become a party political issue, which hindered the campaign. “I expected the Nationalist Party not to take any position, as I believe more good would have come out from the campaign.”

Coleiro Preca was speaking on Radju Malta’s program ‘Ghandi X’Nghid’ this morning.

She stressed that the divorce issue had divided families. “What we should have learnt from all this was that we should be more tolerant. We could have made the cultural jump of discussing issues without going into partisan merits.”

She said that multiculturalism will increase in the coming years, and Maltese society should learn how to accept and be tolerant towards diversity. “We are a small society who cannot afford the same problems faced by countries abroad – an argument in a small village would affect the whole country,” Coleiro Preca said.

Shortly after the result of the divorce referendum, the Labour MP declared that she was not going to contest the next general election. Two weeks later she announced that she had rethought her decision as she “could not ignore” the support she found from constituents, families and Labour leader Joseph Muscat in the last weeks.

“I found myself in a position which led me to undertake a drastic decision after 36 years in politics,” Coleiro Preca said. “In my party everyone knew where I stood on the issue. I was not siding with the No Movement or with the Church. I simply felt that I had to protect the children who did not have a voice.”

“It was not political opportunism,” she said, adding that whomever thought she did what she did for political gain, “clearly are people who do not know me.”

Colerio Preca claimed that her family had been threatened: “I never remember myself leaving home, feeling anxious leaving my family behind me to go to work. My family was destabilised by some coward who decided to threaten my family anonymously.”

She added that there were people who thought that the threats were made by Labour supporters: “The political parties had nothing to do with it … it was some individuals working on their own steam.”

Coleiro Preca said she felt overwhelmed by the support people showed her. “I found solidarity from everyone including PL officials and Joseph Muscat himelf.”

She said that it was “beyond doubt” that Muscat wants her running for the PL.

Asked how she felt when it was revealed that the President’s son, Robert Abela, was being pushed to contest in her district, Coleiro Preca said she hoped that there would be more “valid persons to contribute to politics, which would finally lead to a better country.”

On the subject of conscience - which seems to be haunting the MPs who still won’t reveal how they are going to vote in Parliament on the divorce bill - Coleiro Preca said that conscience was subjective to an individual’s upbringing and experiences and “is not inherited.”

“If we do not have honest and conscientious politicians, how do we expect them to fight against corruption, injustice and for transparency?” she said.

Coleiro Preca reiterated that she is going to abstain from the vote in Parliament to respect the will of the people. “I respect the majority and could never vote ‘No’,” she said.

Marie-Louise Coleiro is the daughter of her Father - Tony Coleiro was a super gentleman and Marie-Louise inherited his honesty. All people who know Marie-Louise, especially those from Qormi which she represents, have high esteem of her and all praise her hard work and efforts to help those in need. Your decision to run was a good one, Qormija and you made many people happy.
@ Just Ray I asked for the reason she gave when she resigned, because in all honesty, I do not know it. The same goes for EFA's resignation. So I would appreciate it if you give me more information if you have it.
@jgpegm Get a life man and stop trying to pass off as pl supporter you are full of S***.
Divorce divided families only because intollerant MPs voted against it. Fancy aligning oneself with EFA? But then she appears to have added Preca to her surname. Maybe she is a born again Christian! Fancy her and Abela leading the PL.
With all due respect, Marie Louise is not being very logical. You cannot support multiculturalism without supporting divorce. Pure and simple. Multiculturalism is about many cultures and many values. So Marie Louise would deny a Protestant and a Jew the right to divorce and then masquerade as someone who supports multiculturalism. Only in Malta!
@GeoAZZ u gene3 ha nurikhom kemm Marie Louise taf tghaddi iz zmien bin nies ukoll delegazjoni min naha ta l-ex port workers tkellmet ma MLCP izda hi ghaddiet iz zmien bin nies barra min hekk anki nisamin Hal Qormi kelmuha fuq il kwistjoni taghna u qalet ser TGHIN izda hi MLCP QATT ma TKELMET fil parlament fuq il kwistjoni taghna issa nigu ghal kwistjoni ta DIVORZJU bhal ma ghet qabel lanqas il MP nazjonalisti HADD minnhom ma qak xkin ser JIVVOTA HI MLCP kienet il BULIJA li qalet mhix ser TACCETTA ir rieda tal maggoranza ghax qalet li ser tivvota kontra ghalhekk jien ghalija din MLCP il PL ma ghandux BZONNA dawn KOLLHA ghal RASHOM JAHSBU ara ma TAHSBUX li dawn johorgu ghal politika ghax IHOBBU LIR RAHAL TAGHHOM JEW LIL MALTA izda biex JAHSBU GHAL RASHOM
@ JGPEM.Habib,qieghed thallat il problema tieghek (port worker) ma haga li ma ghandha x'taqsam xejn Marie-louise.Nista nissigurak li Marie-louise tifhem il problema tieghek,minkejja li l-opinjoni tieghek trid li nappella lin-nies biex ma jivvutalwhiex,haga li hija bla bazi.
JGPEM - Li qieghed tiskantani fil-kummenti tieghek li kritieka biss lejn il-kanditati tal-PL qieghed taghmel. semmejt kull esperjenza ta' meta l-impjieg tal-port workers beda jiggarraf, minghajr ma semmejt l'istorja min fejn bdiet. Allurra l-gvern Nazzjonalista avolja telfek l-impjieg xorta trid taghttilu kull htija? jekk vera thoss li din hija problema ghalik tal-ex impjieg port worker u ghada tweggak, nissugerilek li tarbel il-problema kollha u mhux tperrec dak li jaqbillek. Ftakar habib, li kulhadd jiltaqa' mal-problemi f'hajtu. U ghalhekk ghandna nkunu spalla ma spalla ma xulxin. Mela qed tfakkarna li inti gejt imwegga' minn fondi tal-PW li gejt imcahhad minnom u persuna li giet imwegga u mehdda hi u l-familja taghha ma tissimpatizza xejn maghha ????
B'dak li gara dan l-ahhar fil-kwistjoni ta' Marie Louise intbahna, kemm il-poplu hu ghatxan ghal politikanti sinciera. Dan joghodd ghaz zewg partiti. Il-karba tal-poplu kollu, ma ghandniex xi nghidu l-aktar Qormi sabiex insalvaw wiehed mill-ftit politikanti li verament qedin hemm ghas-servizz tan-nies fil-bzonn inhasset....ghax il-poplu jhobb lil Marie Louise tkun xi tkun l-idejal politku tieghu jew taghha. Is-sincerita jekk tkun sincier, taghrafha. U dan hu parir ghal kull min irid ikun politikant serju.....hares lejn is-sagrificcji li taghmel din il-mara u fl-ahhar mill-ahhar, in-nies dak li trid.
Just Ray The Qormi people should vote 4 all the candidates EXCEPT Marie Louise Cleiro Preca Dr Gavin Gulia and Dr Robert Abela the last 2 like I've said because they BETRAYED the ex Qormi Port Workers @gene 3 ghandek ragun tghid HEKK int ghax ma tafx li storja taghna l-ex port workers li wara li il PL ghejna NOHOLQU FONDI ghal bzonnijiet tal port workers jigi il presitend ATTWALI Dr Gorg Abela u jigi LILNA l-ex port workers JELIMINANA VILMENT min dak il fONDI LI WAQQAFNA u min kien ghadu diehel ha somma FLUS u AHNA l-ex PW ma hadna XEJN dan jista JIKKONFERMAH il ministru ta dak iz zmien Joe Debono Grech
@ JGPEM. Kemm jiena,inti u wisq inqas Marie-Louise ma nistawx niehdu linja li ahna il fuq mill partit.
@ JGPEM You should have told us whom the Qormi people should vote and give us their credentials too so that you justify your claims. . @ CitizenX2 To whom are you referring: the €500 per week extra earners? . @ Mario Sciberras MLCP is not EFA who went into the palace with the resignation in one hand and the acceptance in the other. Her resignation was not bluff and for the media. Marie Louise, I cannot give you my vote as I do not come from your district, but you are an honest person with dignity, something which the other parties have no idea what it means. Keep your good work and the people will vote you in better than before in the next general election which is going to see the PN in the opposition seats with much fewer than they have ever had. This is something which the PN knew from day one after the last general election. No wonder they scoffed into the money as they did! . Three cheers to you Marie Louise for you deserve them!
Marie-Louise was honest as usal.As she is one of us,we are very proud of her.
Ghalija jien nitlob lin nies ta Hal Qormi biex lilek Marie Rose Coleiro Preca lil Dr Gavin Gulia u lit Tifel tal presitend Dr Robert Abela biex in nies ta Hal Qormi IHALLUKOM barra lanqas BISS jivvotawlkom lilek fuq li ghamilt dwar id divorzju fil waqt lil Dr Gavin Gulia talli ITTRATIXXA lil EX HADDIEMA tax xatt filwaqt lil Dr Robert Abela fuq dak li ghamel missieru il Presitend Gorg Abela lil ex haddiema tax xatt ukoll li VILMENT warrabhom mir riforma li kienet qed issir fil portijiet Jien ma NAFX kif ma TISTHUX tmorru TOKORBU ghal VOT fieh bicca HOBZ li tkun MP kollha tkunu tridu TITILAW
Louise could have avoided all this if she kept her thoughts to herself like all other PL MPs said. Even Joseph although declaring himself in favour did not participate in the debate. Louise literally dropped the stone on her foot. Let's hope that she learned something from this despite her 36 years in politics, we all keep learning as we grow. The important thing now is her actions regarding the divorce issue she has to decide what would be the best course of action to safe guard the will of the majority. Otherwise it is a shame for a politician who gave so much in the past should call it a day because of a minor political decision.
Hasty decisions taken on heart felt feelings rather than mindful considerations are troublesome to all those that have supported MLCP for the last three decades. However having declared her respect for the majority, it is time to focus on other politicial issues. This episode should be closed.
Mr Sciberras what M Louise did was much more credible than what EFA did some years ago when he handed his resignation ... Well don M Louise many ,people PN & PL know how truly honest you are
Brava !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it tgheddied lill familja huwa kattiv, jiddispjecini nghid li ghaddejt minnu u ma sibt lill hadd l-anqas lill pulizija. Dan trid tiggiliedlu int u ma tibzghazx. Brava, bikkejtni.A
Why did she resign in the first place?? Was it principles or conscience? What has changed?
Good girl you gave the perfect answers expecially how is your vote is going to be and you respect the majority. That's good of you, I like yourself voted no in the referendum but if the majority wanted it this way we can have it. Be brave because the Party needs you and you have many years of experience. So I wish you luck and work hard to see our Party winning the next election.