Gonzi halts Air Malta freebies for all...including the President’s
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has issued a directive to Air Malta to stop all freebies to all, including himself, his predecessors and Presidents.
A statement issued late in the evening from the Office of the Prime Minister, explained that as of July 1, former Air Malta chairmen, board members and both serving and retired MPs would no longer be entitled to free flights as of July 1.
Jien kont naf li l-lejburisti mahruqin wahda nobis. U bir-ragun ghax kwart ta' seklu jiggerrew fid-dezert mhux cajt,,,,,,,,imma l-kummenti t'hawn taht jikkonfermaw li mhux mahruqin, imma mixwijin izjed minn S. Lawrenz. Nikkumpatihom. Hafna nikkumpatihom!
gonzi spicajt
Mario Said •
Sur Gonzi dejjem turi kemm int maqtugh minn mall-poplu u din li tnehhi l-freebies hija holqa ohra fil-katina ta nsulti lil poplu Malti li ftit aktar min nofsu kien iblagh bizzejjed biex jafdalek lil pajjiz f'idejk ghal hames snin ohra. Kieku qieghed veru thoss il-polz tal-poplu ma kontx tkompli twegga l-intelligenza tal-poplu, ghalkemm sieheb sejhilna cwiec nahniex daqshekk li nemnuk. Inkunu cwiec VERU jekk nergu nivvutawlek.
better late than never......now any refunds?
Gonzi...you want to be of any help? Get lost then!! And btw, I thought that Mario De Marco could be indeed a fine leader after you to try and unite the Party..but alas, the chicken accepted the 500 Euros...why? it is either greed or fear! None of these qualities qualify him for a "leader"!!!
Qabizli d dmugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hallina Gonzi ghax meta issiefer ghadek kemm hadt euro 500 zieda, nahseb ghandek flus biex tixtri biljett u meta issiefer fuq xoghol inhalsu mit taxxi taghna. Imma kemm hsibtna cwiec
@mikegold u moderate
għandu tant forċini il-Pn!(Net, Pbs, Times, Independent, Rtk, Radju Malta psewdo opinjonisti, power of incumbency....etc...) u minnfuq malli xi ħadd jikteb kontra l-Pn jew jagħti raġun lil-PL tkunu tridu tiekluh jew taqsmu qalbkhom. Komplu paxxuna.
Dan kollu sar biex minghalih l PM ser jaghti ezempju?
messu ma hax dawk l 500 ewro fil gimgha PLUS u wkoll messu ta l flus dovuti lil JM halli jaddihom ghall karita .
Dr Gonzi Iddahakniex Ftakar li dak li ghamilt kollu kien minn wara dahar kulhadd inkluz l membri parlamentari tieghek stess .
Issa b`cucata bhall din minghalik ser tigbed xi simpatija .Jista xi hadd wkoll jghidilna kemm ser tiffranka l-Air Malta (ghasafar tac CONB) u d differenza li nefqet fl-AJ70`s u l-AZZURRA AIR ?????????
Joseph Grech •
Was'nt €1500 given to MP's as compensation for the loss of these Airmalta freebee tickets. So what Airmalta should have done years ago is being offloaded from our taxes!
This is too little too late: too little because I am sure that whatever measure is taken will not bring back the lost 36 million euros by AM last year. If Gonzi wants to show himself as a leader, then he should have given back the 500Euros which he settled for himself and his friends behind everybody's back! that would be great leadership...the courage to say you did a procedural mistake and reversing your decisions (instead of keeping them). Too late because this was not his decision...he simply followed what the AM Board decided.
In addition, AM will not be footing the bills now but Govt will...and Govt is the major shareholder of AM, so Govt will absorb further costs and hence tax further to balance the accounts....so this is nothing else but whitewash!
Sorry Gonz...you must try harder to proof yourself close to your people...for example telling that guy who called his fellow citizens cwiec and appointing a 500K euros / year CEO who in turn appointed all his best friends, to resign. The truth is that your political career is now close to an end...and you know it!
@mikegold and moderate. The article and comments are about the current situation at Air Malta now if you believe that there is something that needs to be added on this topic that might put your beloved PN and PM in good light feel free to post. But with the track record that the PN has i would not really. Even the CEO brought in the sweep the mess has stated that things were disgraceful.
Although the actual idea is good i cannot understand how this is something that the Prime Minister would come out with. Both the new Chairman and also the expat CEO said that they were in full control and that they would not allow any political interference!!!! WHO IS ACTUALLY IN CONTROL????
Issa fatta Dr.Gonzi. Too late. 600 haddiem ta l-air malta ser jitkeccew. Freebies or no freebies xorta laqqata il haddiem, avolja kellhom garanzija bil miktub minnek lqabel l-elezzjoni. Jiddispjacini biss ghal dawk il haddiema li ma beghlux il lixka tieghek qabel l-elezzjoni, ghal l-ohrajn nispera biss li jifthu ghajnejhom u jindunaw kemm tmellah bihom Gonzi PN qabel l-elezzjoni.
mikegold117: @ Ray MT sarret tal-pl.
you are so right!
Mela fejn irid il PM jista jindahal u jimponi avolja hemm pjan ta ristrutturar ghaddej? Why didn't his government also take the bull by its horns in other situations as well, such as the BOV saga?
Kont tkun raġel kieku neħħejt iż-żieda li hadtu int u sħabek. Faċli ħafna tneħħi il-perkaċċi ta' ħaddieħor. Għalkemm naqbel ma' din il-miżura trid tkun veru ma tistħix biex tfajjarha ġimgħa wara li int u sħabek tajtu lilkhom infuskhom €500 żieda fil-ġimgħa!! Dik missek neħħejt!! B'min tridu titmejlu? B'xi erba' mzazen li jkollkhom fil-laqgħat li tagħmlu?
Missitu l-kuxjenza miskin!
Issa xbajtu terdghu intom u l-familji taghkom?! Dejjem l-istess haga......ftit u tard wisq.
Who needs Air Malta freebies if you can have a private jet?
@mikegold117 qisek ma tafx taqra habib. MT ma ghandiex kntunieri. Qisek ma qrajtx li lil Marie Loiuse Coleiro Vera tawha 'a hard time' (li kien haqqha wara kollox) L-iktar haga li tista tghid fuq il MT, hi li hija populista.
@ Ray MT sarret tal-pl.
Prosit u hekk ghandu jkun....Imma tghid mar oltre d-dikjarazzjoni tal-kumpanija, li hi wara kollox essenzalment dikjarazzjoni tal-minsitru Fenech, fejn issa waqqaf tal-president ukoll biex jipporva jintoghob wara il-fjask tal-honoraria?
Fl-ahhar mill-ahhar meta l-president jew membri tal-gvern isiefru fuq xoghol dawn dejjem ikunu mhallsa mill-istat. Izda meta politikant jew xi ex-direttur jew chairman isiefer privatament dawn ghandhom l-ebda dritt li jsiefru min fuq dahar il-poplu.
@Ray, I understand your point, but th Airmalta workers are passing through a very frustrating time, and I agree with them. What do you expect them to say ? I have one question the Prime Minister and his friends.....show yourself flying on what you brought, Ryan Air....irrelevant where it stops...take a train.....maybe it will cancel the flight ? Give the people an example and travel on them ?
I cannot understand how this newspaper allow such libelous comments to be shown. Having said that, I hope that whoever writes such comments understands that hiding behind a nom de plum does not mean that it cannot be found out who he/she really is.
It is one thing criticizing Gonzi and his decisions. It is another thing altogether calling him thief,pinocchio and other such nonsense.
Now, Regarding this news item, I would like to ask the prime minister 1 simple question. Why now and not when it was clear that airmalta was having financial trouble?
Ghaziz Priminstru Pinocchio,
Ghazailt li twaqqaf il-freebies ghax l-AirMalta ghamlet kemm ghamlet dejn u xejn mhi sejra sew. Hekk sewwa u xieraq (jghid il-Muleyj). ARA VERA L-ANQAS FADALLEK ZEJT F'WICCEK TAFX!! MELA META TIKKOMPARA LILL MALTA MA' L-AIRMALTA INTI (U L-GRIEDEN TAD-DRENAGG TA' MADWAREK) X'IMISSEK GHAMILT/U? Mhux talli ma' waqqaftx il-freebies imma talli komplejtu terdghu demm il-poplu. Bhal dak li qallu il-freebies tieghek se tibda thallas ghalijom int?! Hallina Pinocchio!!
Qatt ma kellna prim ministru tal misthija bhal ma hu dan! warrab illum qabel ghada forsi tnaqqas id distakk tat telfa wenz. Xtahseb, li ha nghidu ara jahasra qed jipprova jqanqac il HELA! TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISQ!!!!!!!!!! WARRRAB!!!
How about haulting the €500 p-er week increase for yourself and your band of thieves?
Get real gonzi whom do you think youn are kidding 4xcept those blinded bt predjudice.
What's the logic behind this directive.
The office of the PM has absolutely no respect for the Maltese people intelligence.
Think for a moment, when the President or Prime Minister or anyone of his cabinet and their secretaries travel... Who foots the bill?
The taxpayers.
So Mr. Gonzi is stopping the abuse from one state entity and dumping all this abuse on the state.
Let's all hope that the Auditor General will give a yearly account of what these expenses are and who charged what in every department.
BREAKING NEWS: Parliament will be closed from now to June 30, 2011 23:59 because all the members will be flying for free before the deadline sets in.
They will be back on July 1, 2011.
Bon voyage :))
U dawk li telghin u nizlin Brussels minn fuq it-tax payers, hemm min jitla kwazi kull gimgha, biex imbghad, hlief fuq fejn marru jieklu u kemm kien hemm nisa sbieh fir 'red light district' ma jitkelmux. Dawn it-tip ta` nies ghalhekk imorru u biex jigbru l-punti halli jsiefru bxejn mal-familja wkoll. Dawn abbuzi jridu jinqatghu wkoll, min isiefer mal Gvern mhux suppost juza l-biljetti biex jinghata l-punti personali. M`ghandhomx ibatu l-haddiema biss, u haddiehor jibqa jithanzer.
Isabelle Borg •
What about between today and 1st July?
Dak li kellek tghamlu ghamiltu Dr Lawrence Gonzi ITTIJR tieghek u ta shabek kien li lil AIR MALTA teqirduha sa min meta WELLIDHA Il Perit Mintoff INSEJTU dr Gonzi kliem siehbek ta qablek Dr Eddie Fenech Adami meta kien IHEGGEG lin nies biex ma JIRKBUX l-ajruplani ta l-Air Malta sa kellu il WICC TOST LI GHID KIENU GHASAFAR TA COMBIssa biex tkun RAGEl aktar Dr Gonzi erga nehhi il 500 EWRO li hadt int u shabek il ministri u segretarji parlamentari barra min hekk NEHHI IL PERKACCI L-ohra li inti u il ministri shabek ghandkom( Mobajl bxejn karozzi bxejn insurances bxejn u hafna affarijirt ohra li ghandkom