Malta’s south still waiting for Pharmacy Of Your Choice

Half of Malta is still waiting for the Pharmacy Of Your Choice (POYC) scheme to be extended to their localities.

The POYC scheme, launched in the summer of 2007 by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, the Chamber of Small Enterprises (GRTU)  and the Chamber of Pharmacists, is not yet available in the 29 localities situated in the south of Malta.

Information sent by the Health Ministry shows how some 88 pharmacies are still waiting to be part of the POYC, whilst 98 pharmacies - including those in Gozo - are already offering this service.

“This was an electoral gimmick,” shadow health minister Marie Louise Coleiro Preca told sister newspaper Illum. “The scheme was launched a few months before the last general elections and government seems to be working on those districts where it knows it is popular with voters.”


Read more in Illum’s newspaper digital edition

Ara biex jaghzlu li jitfu z-zibel u jaghmlu fabbriki li jniggsu fin-naha t’isfel ta’ Malta jkunu minn tal-ewwel, bhal power stations, 80% tat-trattament tad-drenagg ta’ Malta, fabbrika taz-zibel dik tar-riciklagg, u l-fish farms. U x’inhuma jaghmlu l-Kunsilli Lokali b’maggoranza PL ? Assolutament xejn… jinteresshom li jsifru u jgawdu minn flus il-Poplu. Hemm Sindki PL lill-gvern qalulu grazzi talli ghamillhom fabbrika tad-drenagg basta xtrahom b’xi triq jew bicca bankina mal-bahar jew park tal-familja li huwa dritt ta’ kull lokalità li dawn ix-xoghlijiet ta’ nfrastruttura u tisbieh jitwettqu bhal madankollu jsir f’postijiet fin-naha ta’ fuq ta’ Malta. Bhallikieku ahna tas-south ma nhallsux it-taxxi bhal haddiehor!!!!! Ghajb ghal gvern nazzjonalista u minn qed ihallih iwettaq dawn l-ingustizzji.
Stating that the POYC scheme is the worst nightmare of every pharmacist, pharmacy owner, medical rep or sales rep is an understatement. It would be a great pleasure and most relieving to know that some day soon this scheme would be reversed to its old system. Any political party who promises this has won my vote and those of thousands out there.
The PN never had the South of Malta in its heart because the majority there lean towards Labour. The divide between the North and the South is glaring.