Police break up night-time petrolheads’ gathering at Marsa flyover
Car enthusiasts claim the situation has become hopeless as they are faced with over policing during gatherings held at the new Marsa car park

Car enthusiasts convening at a new car park beneath the Marsa flyover are being told to clear the parking area on Friday nights, by the police.
The area has become a hotspot for car owners who come together in these evenings beneath the flyover to talk cars, spot each other’s modifications, and snap photos of the display on show.

But a large police presence has been reported at the car park, with enthusaists who spoke to MaltaToday saying the police is clearing out the petrolheads without any wrongdoing being claimed.
“Nobody was drifting or acting dangerously, and nearly everyone was observing COVID-19 protocols,” said one enthusiast to MaltaToday.
Photos show at least eight police officers stationed at the car park.

Enthusiast Dalton Lee Aquilina, taking to the Facebook group Malta & Gozo Roadblocks, Accidents and Road Closures, complained of the over-policing of car fans. “Is it really so bad to meet up with friends in a public car park and simply have a chat without bothering anyone and nowadays respecting social distancing rules?”

“My cars are my passion and hobby like many others. To those who think just because I own a sports car I am automatically a dangerous driver, please GROW UP and stop generalizing and being selfish. I have a hobby just like you supposedly do, so let me enjoy it,” he said.
He said the situation had become hopeless with transport officers stationed outside the Hal Far racetrack waiting to fine people. “Apparently now transport officials are even waiting outside the Ħal Far track for people to come out, and have even heard of an example where someone was fined immediately after exiting the track for having road-legal semi-slick tyres on a road car,” he said.
A Transport Malta spokesperson said checks were being carried out in the area to ensure safety, when questioned by MaltaToday about the heighetend police presence in the Marsa car park. “Some vehicles were also reported and were being inspected by the Vehicle Inspection Unit to assure that vehicle standards are kept.”
The spokesperson said sleeping police will be installed in the car park to maintain the area’s safety.