Right-wing governments brought Europe to a standstill – Joseph Muscat
Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat said that whilst Malta is helping Greece with its bailout and other EU countries to recover from the recession, the European countries are not in turn helping Malta with its immigration problem.
“The European Union, led by the forces of the right, are bringing the people to a standstill,” Muscat said during a phone-in on One Radio. “This is not the Europe we want.”
The Labour leader is currently abroad to meet with the opposition socialist leaders in the EU. On Friday, Muscat also met personally with the British Opposition leader Ed Miliband at Westminister in London.
“Amongst other things, we discussed how the 27 right-wing governments are not helping small countries like Malta to address the immigration problem,” Muscat said.
“It would have been easy for me to criticise Malta for helping Greece in its second bailout, whilst they are ignoring our call for help. But as members of the Eurozone we have to help the country,” he said, adding that if Greece fails, Malta would also suffer.
Muscat added that he is worried by the standard of living. “This week our country received yet another blow,” he said, referring to the Basazza Street mixup, which according to Muscat will cost the taxpayers thousands of euros.
“Malta needs consistency and direction. How can we expect government to lead our economy, when it is not even able to organise one street?” Muscat said, adding that a government where the “left hand does not know what the right hand is doing” only leads to disorganisation. “Ultimately, it is the taxpayer who has to make good for their mistakes.”
Muscat said that Maltese families are being faced with an increase in the cost of living, “the second highest in three years.” He said that the latest increase in MEPA’s tariffs and Transport Malta’s tariffs came about without any logical justification.
He added that despite the rise in the cost of living and water and electricity bills, “families still do not know in what way and by which system oil products are bought.”
On Air Malta, Muscat said that government must shoulder responsibility to what happened to the national airline. “Government knew about Air Malta’s situation long before the general elections. A situation like that does not happen overnight. The PN has been governing our country for 23 years – the responsibility is firmly in government’s hands.”
He added that Air Malta was brought down to its knees as result of years of incompetence.
Muscat also referred to the report drawn up by consultants on the airline’s situation. “The €2 million report came with a disclaimer saying that it would be useless if government continues to subsidise low-cost airlines.”
He added that government must now declare its strategy on low cost airlines and say what its vision is.