Gonzi says Selmun Palace will only be sold if it remains as a hotel

Prime Minsiter Lawrence Gonzi said he is not ready to sell Selmun Palace if the buyer intends to turn into a block of appartments or adds appartments to the hotel.

Speaking at the PN’s club in Sliema, Gonzi said Air Malta needs Selmun Palace to be sold as part of its restructuring process. “My wish is to find someone who is serious, committed to keep the building as a hotel. I am not ready to sell it if the buyer intends to turn it into a block of appartments or apply for a permit to add a couple of stories to the hotel,” he said.

Gonzi said that if no one comes forward to buy a hotel and keep it as one, “I would prefer to pull it down.”

He added that whatever happens to the hotel, “our priority is to make sure that the 58 workers find work as soon as possible, even if their work at the hotel is terminated.”

Gonzi said that Air Malta’s situation was not only worrying its employees and Selmun's, but the whole country. “We have other businesses and factories who need Air Malta to function, especially those who use the airline to import and export their cargo.

“Air Malta is a strategic instument of extraodinary importance. I believe the Maltese understand and join government in doing everything possible to save the airline.”

He said that government must find €77 million to make good for the loss made last year and that forecasted for this year. “The restructuring process is needed if we want to see our national airline back on its feet and making profit in four years’ time in a sector which is highly competitive,” he said.

“Amongst the decisions taken, we need to reduce the workforce. That’s why we have the voluntary retirement scheme, and this is why we are incentivising it. Like we have done with the Dockyard workers, we are helping these workers to take this necessary step and try to relieve its impact as much as possible.

“Anything that is causing Air Malta to lose must be removed.”

He added that seven years ago, “everyone had recognised that Air Malta was facing problems. But when oil prices exploded and foreign airlines were closing down, Air Malta was still running.”

On immigration, Gonzi said that one had to remember they are “all human, the difference just lies in the colour of their skin.” He said they are victims of “grievous situations which lead them to risk their lives and that of their own children to flee the country.

“I will never accept to turn my back on them. I have my principles, I was elected on those principles and I am not ready to throw them away, even if I know there are people who do not agree with me.”

He said that Malta is a democratic country where everyone is free to say what one wants. “There was a time when one could not be seen going around with a PN newspaper in his hands. They tell me to forget these incidents, that they are in the past. But how can I forget if those same persons sit in front of me everyday?”

He added that “looking forward”, the EU was trying to help Malta. “Out of 27 countries, Malta was the only one which was given a pilot project to help address the immigration problem. Are we happy with it? No. But the European Commission is already working on another pilot project.”

“We are not happy. We want more. In Malta we have 2,700 persons with a refugee statue. The EU must take them and help them integrate withing EU countries.” He added that there was good response to the call.

“But I insist more help needs to be given to Malta.”

Gonzi said the scenario in the Middle East is still worrying. “We are in contact with Benghazi and the Transitional National Council,” he said, adding that Malta was one of the five countries who are in constant contact with them.

Gonzi claimed that times will come when the change in the countries faced by uprising would lead for the coasts along the North Africa to prosper economically.

“After this storm passes and stability and economic progress is achieved, huge opportunities will come. Malta would then make sure not to lose any of these opportunities.”

On the Bisazza Street mixup and the some 60 parking spaces which will be lost to create a new bus route, Gonzi said government has found a “factual solution which will be announced in the coming days.”

He added government was also working on another big project to address the parking problem in Sliema. 

I believe that Selmun Palace was made part of the hotel in order to increase its marketability especially in the mainland European market where history and culture a sympathetic chord with tourists, but it would be an unpardonable and criminal act to 'sell' the palace along with the hotel. Incidentally if government is so cash strapped and is willing to start selling off parts of our national heritage I suggest they do a marketing road show in the US where anything that is over 300 years old is simply lapped up. Obviously whatever they buy they usually dismantle and carry off to the US. This would have the added bonus of opening up whole new areas to the destruction industry for more high rise ghettos, in turn providing more jobs for migrant construction workers from the Marsa open centre and also from the former Yugoslav republics and other former eastern bloc countries. Would government be interested in selling Fort St Elmo or Fort Ricasoli for some much need 'restoration' possibly with a few blocks of high rise pigeon holes? Please drop me a line.
This Gonzi is either overly arrogant or simply pathetic...if the reporter here is quoting him as accurately as possible we have a new monarch... King Gonzi. He uses the first person singular to refer to what he will be doing or he does not want to do...as if the country is his...It reminds me of Pinto...who was the cause of the financial and political downfall of the Order and who always wanted to make himself a monarch!
Joseph MELI
Why does everyone always refer to the archetectural gem of the Selmun Palace as the Selmun Hotel and always show a picture of this marvellous example of our cultural heritage instead of the actual hotel?In any event,what is happening to this beautiful Palace given that Air Malta has long ago abrogated its responsibilities and obligations as laid down when it took over the leasehold,as with the employees, as it is rapidly deteriorating and has been unaccountably unavailable to access for a long time for locals and tourists alike??
Luke Camilleri
“Anything that is causing Air Malta to lose must be removed.” ------------------------ AGREE ! . Gonzipn u c-Cwiec nominati minnu u min ta' qablu fuq il-Bordijiet u l-Management ta' lAiormalta!
The Air Malta workers will be given the axe because of the wrong past decisions taken by past chairmen and their board and who were appointed because of their close link to the PN. The charging of tariff by MIA was also another factor that contributed to the bankruptcy of Air Malta. But this is what happens when you sell something which is of a strategic importance like the airport to a foreign company. The government was more eager to get the cash fast than putting safety clauses in the contract to protect Air Malta. Gonzi also mentioned the ex-tarzna workers. He should approach and talk to them to see how much they appreciate and applaud him! Why didn't he say something about an article which appeared in another local paper which says that it is rumoured that next year W & E bills will go up again by 20 -to 30%?. If he really raises these it would certainly seal the greatest PN defeat in the next election. So I have my doubts here. I do not know how he had the guts to mention the illegal migrants problem. This problem was one of the worst flops (amongst many others) of the present government. Thought he would say that he was replacing the minister responsible as he does not seem know where he is heading.
Is soltu paroli fil vojt minn prim ministru skadut. Fuq il haddiema ta Selmun.. x jaghmlu dawn sakemm il lukanta tinbiegh. Lil haddiema tal Air Malta lil dawk li ma johdix ir redunduncy schemes, se timpjeghom mal gvern kif kont wetthom. Jew issa ghamilt U Turn. Fuq l emigrazzjoni shabek tal EWuropa ilhom jghadduk bi zmein ghax isibuk dajjef u bla sisnla u ahna inhalsu t taxxi. Fuq Bisazza street tal Arriva ghadhom lanqas bdew jahdmu u diga bdew jikkmandaw. Taf ghaliex ghax bddiltilhom ir rotta u ma jghaddux minn Bisazza street, il poplu Mlati se ikollu ihallas. Hallina Gonzi mur inheba
the peak of hypocracy !! He cannot forget the days when, according to him, one couldn't be seen with a PN newspaper. But he certainly forgot the days, just 3 years ago, when he wrote personally to all employees in Airmalta, guaranteeing them their job. HYPOCRITE !