Gozo reverse osmosis plant enters last phase
The €11 million reverse osmosis plant in Qala can produce 9,000 metres cubed of clean usable water on daily basis

Works on Gozo’s first Reverse Osmosis Plant have entered their last phase, with the facility expected to start operating by the end of the year.
The new plant will be operating from Honoq ir-Rummien located in Qala, and will provide Gozitan residents with an independent water production system.
It will have a catchment capacity to produce 9,000 metres cubed of water on daily basis, and will be fully automated.
The €11 million project will be co-financed by the European Union and managed by the Water Services Cooperation (WSC).
WSC CEO Ivan Falzon said the plant is proof of the country’s resilience. “We have regenerated a building that was abandoned for over 30 years, to become a water production centre with the latest technology, so that we will continue reaching our targets”.
Visiting the plant on Monday, Energy Minister Miriam Dalli said the project will continue to enhance services for Gozitans.
“Gozo will have its own water provision, which is of a better quality, efficient and above all sustainable. This means that Gozo will no longer be dependent on Malta and will have access to water which is of better-quality water through state-of-the-art equipment,” she said.
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri said the reverse osmosis plant will play an essential role in the island’s development, while strengthening the rural aspect, which distinguishes from Malta.
“Our strategy to make Gozo sustainable in water production is holistic and tangible. It is a vision that ensures socio-economic development while preserving Gozo’s unique characteristics,” he said.