Malta could have adult population fully-vaccinated by end July
Malta’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is moving ahead at full speed with 54% of those aged 16 and over fully vaccinated

Fully-vaccinated people against COVID-19 accounted for 54% of those aged 16 and over by Sunday, according to the latest data released yesterday by the health authorities.
If the same rate of vaccinations is maintained, Malta could be looking at having all those above 16 fully vaccinated by the end of July.
The latest available data shows that by Sunday 235,133 people had received their second vaccine dose or the single jab, Johnson & Johnson.
People who are fully vaccinated can download their vaccine certificate after 14 days have lapsed from the second dose.
Towards the beginning of July the health authorities will be inviting children aged between 12 and 15 to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.
Malta yesterday registered no new cases of COVID-19, the first time this has happened in 11 months as the authorities appealed for caution and discipline to be maintained.
Restrictive measures continued being lifted on Monday, a public holiday, as restaurants could sit six at a table, and cinemas, theatres and bars reopened.
Meanwhile, Malta was removed from the high-risk category by Spain, which means that travel between both countries has now become easier. People returning to Spain from Malta will not require a COVID swab test.
Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo said this was because Malta had managed to control the pandemic well.