Brincat calls for Auditor's investigation into Enemalta oil purchases

Shadow minister for environment demands investigation by NAO on oil and oil product purchases by Enemalta from 2008 onwards.

Labour MP Leo Brincat has called on the Auditor General to investigate all oil and oil product purchases by Enemalta Corporation during the present this legislature, claiming a lack of transparency in the way the fuel is purchased.

He was addressing a parliamentary debate on the Enemalta estimates. Brincat said the investigation was necessary after finance minister Tonio Fenech expressed his own concern on the possibility of a further loss incurred by Enemalta on €350 million worth of oil purchases.

Brincat has specifically asked the NAO to: review the mechanism being used and to make recommendations it may deem fit; investigate procurement costs incurred; investigate current procurement methodology and alternative procurement mechanisms; verify how costs are translated into consumer prices; investigate adequacy of oil purchase planning, timing, establishment of quantity, sourcing, cost-insurance-freight arrangements and product mix; investigate adequacy of quality and quantity verification for landed products; and investigate if there are any product losses in terms of quantities actually landed, quality losses, losses after landing and losses due to preventable inefficiencies.

Brincat also said that although recently Minister Tonio Fenech had

stated that the Enemalta debt was €500 million, this was 16% higher at the start of the year and is estimated to be 45% higher than estimated by Fenech by year-end. “The minister is either misinformed or he has misinformed the House.”

Tarcisio the whole of Malta and Gozo know how much you did your job first with passion and secondly with profession . Everyone knows your results .What irritates me is how this gov when there is a PL person they try to GET RID OF HIM no matter what his performances are
Mark Fenech
And we were just a 4 "Cwiewc Enemalta Officials" and a board member who run the Fuel Procurement Committee between 1987 and January 2004. I used to act as the main negotiator and used also to keep the minutes of the committee. We never had such problems. We were never paid anything extra. We were paid peanuts considering the remunerations and perks they have today, but we had Enemalta truly at heart and we never let it down irrespective of who was running the country. What the hell is going on at Enemalta these last few years. No matter that each time I meet an employee of Enemalta tells me that the Corporation is already ruined.
Issa ilqatt il musmar fuq rasu Sur Leo.......pero mhux min naha it tajba u nahseb li ser twegga subghajk.........Ir risposta ser nghatijilek jien " IT IS NOT IN THE PUBLIC INTERESTS "ghax xi hadd jista ikun jaf min fejn qeghedin ingibu dan iz zejt bl`irhis. Il parir tieghi huwa li jekk jigu bil h..a ohorgulhom mil parlament, forsi xi darba inserhu rasna li hemm opozizjoni. Nizlu in nies fit toroq u mhux qiskhom qeghedin tighabu ic chess, mal gvern.
A PL government should investigate seriously all CEOs and managers involved in the oil procurement for enemalta and those found guilty should have all their assets, villas, yacths and plush car expropriated to make good for Enemalta's debt.
While an auditor's investigation into the purchase of oil contracts by Enemalta is mandatory, the opposition should also demand a full account of the total debt of this entity and how it accumulated such a huge debt load that is partly responsible for the high tariffs imposed on the Maltese people. The right to know demands a full account of how all these debts occurred.