Mater Dei’s multi-million IVF unit waiting for Gonzi’s conscience to clear up

Lawrence Gonzi’s Vision 2015 aspires to excellence in health but the Prime Minister is sitting on a multi-million euro IVF unit that has been installed at Mater Dei hospital for over seven years now, and he is hoping that it will not be used for the freezing of embryos.

Gonzi and Health Minister Joe Cassar are pronouncing themselves in favour of a more expensive technology to freeze eggs – partly because Mater Dei already has what was once a state-of-the-art IVF unit installed by Skanska back in 2004, equipped with two Planer freezers and nitrogen tanks that can freeze both eggs and human embryos. The unit was never set up.

The scene appears to be set for policymakers to turn down embryo freezing: since a select committee chaired by Nationalist MP and doctor Jean-Pierre Farrugia advised government to go for the freezing of embryos, Lawrence Gonzi – who set up the committee in 2009 – kicked the ball in the court of Nationalist MP Edwin Vassallo. Vassallo used his social affairs committee to reopen the debate on embryo freezing in 2011 “on suggestion” of a newly formed lobby called Professionals Against Embryo Freezing, composed of Faculty of Theology students studying bioethics led by dentist Miriam Sciberras.

Together with anti-abortionists Gift of Life, PAEM are vehemently opposing the Farrugia committee’s proposalsto freeze embryos that would allow women to go through less cycles of stimulation and encourage sterile couples to adopt frozen embryos. Even the Maltese bishops have sounded a pastoral warning to MPs on embryo freezing.

But while Gonzi is clutching onto the debatable science of egg freezing to bypass the science of embryo freezing, even if the spectre of religious conscience is at work here – the Catholic Church is already against all forms of IVF – egg freezing included.

The Catholic Church’s Dignitas Personae maps out the position against IVF because it substitutes the personal act of procreation between husband and wife. The Church says there is “no morally licit solution regarding the human destiny of the thousands and thousands of ‘frozen’ embryos which are and remain the subjects of essential rights and should therefore be protected by law as human persons”.

But it goes further: because even the freezing of oocytes, or eggs, so that it can be fertilised with the sperm and implanted as and when necessary, is “morally unacceptable” in Dignitas Personae.

The costs of egg freezing also pile up upon those incurred in a normal IVF procedure: there is first the cost of egg retrieval, the annual storage costs, and of course the fertilisation and implantation – done once over for each egg.

Why freeze?

On Saturday, Jean-Pierre Farrugia declared in The Times that hopes that egg freezing would exclude the possibility of creating more than the exact embryos to be implanted in a woman’s body was “fiction”.

In comments to MaltaToday, Prof Mark Brincat – chairman of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department at Mater Dei Hostpial – said that even if four frozen eggs are thawed to be fertilised with the aim of getting two embryos, it is possible that doctors end up with three embryos instead.

“What should we do the third one? If we don’t discard it, it has to be forcefully implanted in the woman, which we don’t want... so even supporters of egg freezing rely on the safety net of human freezing if they don’t want to discard embryos. Egg freezing does not obviate from the need to freeze embryos, even from a conservative viewpoint.”

Brincat added that the laboratory work involved in freezing eggs, thawing them and fertilizing them was riskier and more expensive. “If you freeze an embryo there is less laboratory work because it is already fertilized.”

The reason freezing of embryos is necessary is because an excess amount of eggs must be extracted from a woman to be then fertilized by human sperm. The resulting zygote (a cell that is produced when sperm fuses with the egg) begins to sub-divide over the next 2-4 days until it becomes an embryo that can be implanted into the woman.

But not all of the embryos survive this natural process, leaving less good-quality embryos that can be implanted.

And it is not granted that implanting one or two embryos leads to pregnancy: implanting more than two can be risky for the mother, and IVF is a very expensive procedure that is financially and emotionally taxing on infertile couples.

So freezing the ‘excess’ embryos offers them a chance at success: both in terms of second chances if the first attempt at pregnancy fails; or even the opportunity at having another child in the near future without undergoing the burdensome procedures of hyper-stimulation.

The ethical problem is what to do with unwanted frozen embryos if parents don’t thaw the remaining embryos for another pregnancy. The options are to freeze them indefinitely – which eventually means they will die due to the long exposure to low temperatures; discard them or use the ‘live’ embryos for research that can be of immense benefit to humankind.

Even detractors of sound IVF science are aware that freezing unwanted embryos indefinitely leads to their death: because long-term freezing undermines the chances of an embryo to become a foetus.

While Gonzi contemplates a new ethical problem for MPs to deal with, the human realities of infertile couples and those with inheritable diseases who need PGD testing (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) on embryos, have been the last to be heard out in the parliamentary committees.

Thousands of frozen embryos lie in frozen straw like containers all over the globe where embryo freezing is permitted. This is the result of irresponsible practices that should be avoided in Malta.
To readers All of human rights stem from the right to life from conception. The Holocaust, slavery, Apartheid, sex slaves, all these are examples of what mankind is capable of doing to other humans once we can legally claim that a human is not a human. That life begins at conception is a scientific fact. That some people recognize an advantage in promoting doubt and confusion on this truth is also a verity. Abortion is often promoted by my male counterparts as a woman's responsibility. From my experience, it is all just too convenient. Men have an interest in promoting abortion because it serves a clear personal purpose. Promoting abortion places all the responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy exclusively upon the female. Men get a free pass out of the situation in which they played an equal part. Men will often threaten to leave their partner if she chooses to do what come most natural. To bring the pregnancy to term. Men will offer to pay for an abortion yet squarely refuse to help the mother with child maintenance. Thankfully not all men act in this manner of course. Some do take on their responsibility. We rarely ever encounter women seeking an abortion who have the all important support of the child’s father. Some women have come to believe the male perpetrated untruth that to be equal to us men; women should have the right to become un-pregnant at will. They may indeed be able to remove their child growing within them and end the pregnancy comforted that this is legal and billed as a choice. But once the abortion is over, often having been performed by yet another male, the grim reality slowly returns to aver its rightful place. Like an unwelcome visitor that barges into her world, women are often taken by surprise at how quickly choice soon turns to unbearable grief. A new journey begins that is typified by unending regret. Women have often described that worst of all is a traumatizing feeling of un-forgiveness. Women embark on a new chapter that is characterized by silent suffering. The man usually breaks up with her anyway. Her friends apparently unavailable; even distant, colder. She is not at clear if this is because she had an abortion and they are discreetly rejecting her, or if it is just imagining it all. In the aftermath, a restrained revulsion often develops towards the father of the child and towards males in general. Society has been weakened further. If she does have children later, she may have difficulty developing deep emotional connections with these. She has been scarred for life. Many women seek out professional help. Many find it makes little difference. The specter of post-abortion syndrome is very real for these women. This is abortion. This is the radical liberals design for women and their future. IVF is not a right. There is no such thing as a right to get pregnant. Artificially assisting people to become parents must never come at the expense of diminishing the dignity of every conceived person. The consequences are far reaching. Just as life begins at conception, a culture of abortion begins when we lessen the value of humanity in its most frail stages of development.
Is the embryo my neighbor?   Paul, the least you can do is to try something original, not copycat without attributing the source.   Why are you afraid to confront the fact that, until about 100 yars ago, the infallible Catholic Church condoned abortions?   Why don't you comment on the fact that your ilk perfomed an actual abortion to produce the movie, "Eclipse of Reason"?
The human embryo is my neighbor. Killing human life is unjust and not the mark of a civilized democratic society which affirms a pluralistic concept. The piece is insincere and evasive on the facts and unfortunately the unborn are even being used for political point scoring P. Vincenti - Gift of Life
The human embryo is my neighbor. Killing human life is unjust and not the mark of a civilized democratic society which affirms in pluralistic concept. The piece is insincere and evasive on the facts and unfortunately the unborn are even being used for political point scoring
"Embryos are human life with potential, not just potential human life." --U.S.A. Sen. Tom Coburn   Plagiarism is a bad habit! Just as bad as meddling in women's private lives.
Embryos are human life with potential. They are not potential human life. We are all people with potential. This is a verity. Just because a life is small or less developed, does not mean we can freeze that life interminably. It does not give us a moral license to destroy that life because it does not look fully human yet. The full respect for all human life is paramount, at all stages of human development. The way we treat our unborn neighbor will profoundly affect , how we will end up treating each other later on.
That science proves new human life commences from fertilization is a fact. That some want to obscure that truth is also. Discriminating against any human life is wrong. Humanity is more complex than some would prefer it to be. What makes us human is not just our genus. Our very potential to continue developing is also but another attribute in a long list of moral and ethical considerations. Human life starts at conception and does not end until a natural end. IVF already tampers with the natural order. This of course produces a whole range of unethical issues. The best we can hope for is a more ethical outcome. Because one opposes embryo freezing does not mean one opposes all people who have sought the help through ART. It just means that we respect all human life. Our MPs have to consider that selectively protecting a life and ignoring another will open Pandora's box.
@Paul Vincenti   You are an insufferable twit ...   Why not answer the questions of why: 1) The Catholic Church condoned abortions until Pope Leo III came around? 2) The movie, "Eclipse of Reason" -- an actual abortion of a late-term foetus -- is paraded by your ilk?   Go on Paul, give it a try ... answer the above. Then you can go back to your gibberish.
All of human rights stem from the right to life from conception. The Holocaust, slavery, Apartheid, sex slaves, all these are examples of what mankind is capable of doing to other humans once we can legally claim that a human is not a human. That life begins at conception is a scientific fact. That some people recognize an advantage in promoting doubt and confusion on this truth is also a verity. Abortion is often promoted by my male counterparts as a woman's responsibility. From my experience, it is all just too convenient. Men have an interest in promoting abortion because it serves a clear personal purpose. Promoting abortion places all the responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy exclusively upon the female. Men get a free pass out of the situation in which they played an equal part. Men will often threaten to leave their partner if she chooses to do what come most natural. To bring the pregnancy to term. Men will offer to pay for an abortion yet squarely refuse to help the mother with child maintenance. Thankfully not all men act in this manner of course. Some do take on their responsibility. We rarely ever encounter women seeking an abortion who have the all important support of the child’s father. Some women have come to believe the male perpetrated untruth that to be equal to us men; women should have the right to become un-pregnant at will. They may indeed be able to remove their child growing within them and end the pregnancy comforted that this is legal and billed as a choice. But once the abortion is over, often having been performed by yet another male, the grim reality slowly returns to aver its rightful place. Like an unwelcome visitor that barges into her world, women are often taken by surprise at how quickly choice soon turns to unbearable grief. A new journey begins. A life of relentless regret. Of unrelenting un-forgiveness. A new chapter that is characterized by silent suffering. In the aftermath, a restrained revulsion often develops towards the father of the child and towards males in general. Society has been weakened further. This is abortion. This is the radical liberals design for women and their future. IVF is not a right. There is no such thing as a right to get pregnant. In the quest to help people become parents, we must never allow for the dignity of every conceived person to be diminished. The consequences are far reaching.
So we spend the money and then did not activate the department. If you are only interested in pocketing commissions - this makes perfect sense; and this is what GonziPN is all about. Reminds me of another shameful incident - Simshar. The tracking system was purchased and never operated. Again a classic example of being eager to pocket commissions but then being unwilling to be bother to operate what is purchased. Well done MITTS or MITA or whatever you call yourselves. I feed so secure knowing that Claudio Grech is watching over us 30 days a month - presumably the other extra day in the month he is lobbying against divorce, running errands for this political master or pocketing yet another salary in spite of any conflicts of interest. We are so blessed in this country!
The only thing, in this issue, which is highly objectionable, is Mr. Vincenti's insistence on imposing his (religious) beliefs on the rest of society ... not to mention his hijacking of science.
What do you expect from a Prime Minister prisoner of a party married to the Church? Will he fight another losing battle?
Embryo freezing is highly objectionable. We look forward to legislation that respects all of human life from conception.
@ Mr. Paul Vincenti You say, "Once we lose respect for all of human life from conception, abortion will be legalized in Malta." This is pathetic, and insulting to the intelligence of those who do not share your beliefs. I am Maltese-born -- a citizen of both Malta and Canada (where I live). I find your ridiculous assumptions about life and attitudes, as absurd as the notion that planet Earth is flat and that green men live on Mars.   "Life from conception" --- what nonsense!   Are the ovum and the sperm any less human than when they fuse?   How do you explain the fact that, until Pope Leo XIII came around, the infallible Catholic Church condoned abortions?   "Infallibility" (of what is spoken, ex cathedra, mainly by the Pope) is not a profound statement of facts, nor is it a divinely inspired pronouncement. It is the very words of God, as if God Himself was present, in person, to deliver the message.   So, is it possible that God has changed his mind (while still allowing his CEO -- Mother Nature -- to carry on with her abortions, better known as, miscarriages or stillbirths)?   Perhaps, Mr. Vincenti has a rational answer to that.   And while at it, would Mr. Vincenti care to explain how pro-lifers, such as his good self, condone and promote the movie, "Eclipse of Reason", in which a late-term foetus was aborted ... to illustrate the horrors of abortion?
I cannot fathom the reason why under two ultra-conservative catholic Prime Ministers, ie gonzi and EFA, the IVF unit in Mater Dei was set up. . Why was it built? . What were the reasons behind the extra expenditure?
GOL are a pro-life movement. Mr. Vella want to call us anti-abortion. I will not object to this but will he allow me in turn to refer to him as being pro-abortion ?
There is more consensus amongst MPs on the issue than Matthew would like. This clearly irritates Mr Vella. The fact is that egg freezing does not involve the freezing, storing and eventual destruction in many cases of human embryos. Egg freezing has a comparable success rate to embryo freezing and this is an inconvenient fact for some. Even if egg freezing was considerably more expensive, which it is not, according to IVF specialist Dr Eleanora Porcu from Bologna, the mere fact that a cheaper option, which involves the destruction of many of these humans is available, does not make it correct. It makes no sense. Question: If there is no difference in cost and success rate between the two procedures, then why would anyone still want to freeze embryos? Answer: There is a movement in Malta that subtly wants to degrade the respect and dignity of human life from conception. Embryo freezing does exactly this and they know it. This serves the purposes of some, though not all, who would one day like to see abortion legalized in Malta. Once we lose respect for all of human life from conception, abortion will be legalized in Malta.
reply to "liberal": The original problem - too many unwanted children - comes partly from Church dogma.. no condom use, "celibacy" before marriage as the only (and totally ineffectual) method of birth control... and telling people in places like Africa that condoms are too porous to stop the AIDS virus...(yes, that is exactly what priests tell the masses to stop them from using condoms against AIDS; it is criminal, and I have been told this directly by African students). So my "facts" ARE right; there are too many children that need adoption, often because of Church dogma. YOUR problem is really one of Administrative lethargy. They are not facilitating things, they are doing everything they can to discourage adoption; Well, gee, look who their bosses are! MUCH better to adopt from Africa, by the way, than from Russia or Eastern Europe, even if the parents are white and the kids black; the Eastern European children -as you say - are often brain damaged because they are the children of drunks and addicts. They also get completely improper care which only increases the problem. Someone in my family adopted from the Ukraine; her daughter, now 20 years old, is barely capable of any logical thought. She can't even order for herself in a restaurant. Her I.Q. is probably in the high 70's... and the cerebral problems of these children is documented. Best start a campaign to stop adoption from such countries, and find out which government officials are making such badly informed decisions and create a pressure group to make the government change its adoption policies, or vote them out of office!
@ Ken. Please get your facts right before you comment . After my personal experience having done IVF privately and being skinned alive financially ,we went to check for adoption.We have to wait for 1 year to be called in by Appogg to do the adoption course as only 4 social workers do it, than they give you the go ahead to adopt from russia only to realise that you have to do your own investigations and find the right persons to do so. No info is given and you end up risking being swindled Eur20,000 by the russians apart that most probably you will be given an abnormal child because they are chosen before.People here comment without realising the traumas and financial rip offs that childless couples face and instead being helped by the gov they end up being ripped off by our local divine doctors. This should hurt some conciences not the frozen eggs and divorce issues but as usual Its Only in Malta. yak
Luke Camilleri
Which consience?
If our concience bothers us so much that any IVF unit would not be used, why bother entering into all the expense to install it in the first place? Plain wastefull of money and resources all paid for by our taxes by the same government which is not making use of equipment itself included in the specifications.
Of course, the best solution of all would be adoption. Why do couples insist that a baby be their genetic progeny? The only answer is pride... one of the seven deadly sins. And since Mother Church has helped make sure that there are too many unwanted pregnancies and children available for adoption... especially in African countries where the non-use of condoms and AIDS have left three million orphans - what greater Christian good could anyone offer than to become adoptive parents of these poor innocents? A fitting solution to a problem created by an intransigent church.
duncan abela
A beautiful appropriate picture for your article which captures the beauty of nature at the conception stage. I would like to know whether it is an artistic impression or whether it is a real life photograph by some highly competent scientific photographer.
This bloody conscience thing is killing me. What is wrong in assisting nature to do it's job? Do these interfering busybodies consider what the couples with this problem go through? Stop meddling in our lives.