Investigation launched into teachers’ union claims that ministry altered assessment marks
The Malta Union of Teachers claims educators have reported the altering of marks by the ministry ‘without their consent’

The Education Ministry will be launching an investigation into allegations made by the Malta Union of Teachers that the ministry altered marks “without teacher’s consent”.
According to the MUT, teachers are reporting that they found out that marks have been included or altered for a number of students who were absent during assessments.
“Whilst this is a very dubious and abusive procedure and the motive behind it is highly questionable, teachers cannot be held responsible for such marks,” it said.
The union condemned the direct interference by the ministry in the work of teachers, requesting an independent investigation into the claims.
In a statement, the ministry said that following the allegations, the Education Minister Justyne Caruana requested the setting up of an independent inquiry board to investigate the case.
“Following the inquiry’s conclusions, the education minister would then be in a position to evaluate whether allegations are true, and what steps should be taken,” it said.