COVID-19: 18 in hospital as active cases reach 1,832
COVID-19 update for 18 July | 195 new cases • 5 recoveries • 1,832 active cases • 3,548 swab tests in past 24 hours • 18 patients in hospital, one in ITU • Fully vaccinated residents at 357,236 • Total deaths at 420

Malta registered 195 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, while five patients have since recovered.
Active cases now stand at 1,832, while total cases are registered to be 32,470. From these, 30,218 patients have recovered.
From the 206 cases reported on Saturday, the health ministry confirmed that 151 of these were patients between 10-39 years old, with the average age being 27.
18 patients are currently being treated at Mater Dei Hospital, up one compared to yesterday's statistics.
One of these patients is being treated in the hospital's ITU.
3,548 swab tests were carried out on Saturday, with health workers having carried out 1,041,418 swab tests throughout the pandemic.
With regards to vaccinations, 357,236 people are fully vaccinated against the virus.
The death toll stands at 420, with no new deaths recorded.