No bailout without Greek ratification of sixth MEP – Cuschieri

Sixth Lisbon MEP Joseph Cuschieri says bailout should be conditional on ratification of protocol.

Malta’s sixth MEP Joseph Cuschieri has expressed disappointment at Malta’s ratification of a second bailout loan for the Greek government, without having demanded that they ratify Protocol 36 for the extra allocation of seats for MEPs.

MEPs like former Labour MP Joseph Cuschieri who were elected on the strength of the extra seats allocated by the Lisbon Treaty, have not yet taken their seat because not every EU government has ratified the protocol to effect the increase in the European Parliament’s size.

“Malta will be contributing to the second Greek bailout when Greece is one of five member states dragging their feet on ratifying protocol 36… the Maltese government must demand that Greece ratifies it immediately so that its sixth MEP can take his place in the European Parliament,” Cuschieri said.

The Labour MEP, elected in 2009, said Malta’s “generous support should be conditional for those generous enough to give us what is ours by right… after all it’s Maltese taxpayers’ cash. And in the same way, the sixth seat is a right that countries like Greece have so far denied us.”

The MEP added that while Malta is expected to help Greece, which is facing massive debts and had to vote in severe austerity measures to curtail its deficit and debt, the country had done nothing to allow Malta to have its sixth MEP inside Brussels.

“In the last two years since the election of the last legislature, Greece stalled and postponed the legislative process in its parliament to ratify the Lisbon seats. That’s why it’s wrong that Malta does not make the least pressure on Greece,” Cuschieri said.

Joseph MELI
This is merely an exercise to hitch his wagon to the relentless gravy train that is the EU parliament.The real issue here is HOW MUCH PRECISELY ARE WE CONTRIBUTING TO THIS SO-CALLED LOAN-DOES ANYONE KNOW-AND WHY ISN'T IT MADE PUBLIC AS IT'S OUR MONEY?
Micheal Bonanno
@briffy. Like you, I'm a pensioner too, and I don't need any party favours either. But Gonzipn has truly reached the depths. For him, what only counts is his tribe of blue-eyed boys and the seat of power, and nothing else. And I'm no asskisser either. As for you, you try to justify even the unjustifiable to put your Gonzipn in good light. I'm not like that, and will never be.
The eurozone might as well crash, but I want my seat. Neh neh neh neh neeeeeeh. This guy surely exceeds himself... jissupera lilu nnifsu kif ngħidu l-Maltin; last time he complained to the EU President, now this. I wonder what's next, finally a politician that keeps me on my laughing toes.
Dan ghadhu jeqred ghax ghadhu bla paga?
@ martin borg... I beg your pardon! I am a pensioner and don't need to lick people's asses. I never did that even during my 40 years in the public service and I don't need to do it now. I am sorry, but it's people with your mentality that think that everybody reasons the same way as you do. I don't write comments to get something in return like a lot of people on this website who have only one agenda; to get points for Labour in the hope of cashing in on it if and when Labour is in power; simply because they need a shove at every turn as they are not equipped to succeed on their own merits .
@briffy Go wipe your browned nose.
Don't hold your breath, gonziPN will not lift a finger for two reasons: . 1. The 6th MEP is not from gonziPN, as already mentioned. 2. He has no guts and a whimp when it comes to face the EU.
...Mbaghad jigu in Nazzjonalisti wara l-elezzjoni u jghidulna, "Ahna Laburisti ta', tghidx kemm gheneh lil Joseph Cushcieri jew lil dak il kandidat jew lil iehor." Morru l'hemm ja qabda IPOKRITI BIL PEDIGREE!!! Li kieku kien xi Simon Busuttil li qed jiggieled ghas sitt siggu mur ara kemm taghmlu fass u tiktbu poeziji fil gazzetti!!! Izda inthom ma tgahmlux dak kollu li hu jew gej mill Partit Laburista ja qabda oqbra imbajda! Ir rota dalwaqt iddur hbieb u mbaghad noqghodu nghidu "hi miskin Joseph Cushcieri ma keinx haqqu hekk ta!"...U lil dak li tkellem fuq il paga ta Brussels nghidlu...Simon u dak il buono a nulla l'iehor jehduwa il paga ta Brussels jew jatuha lil karita!!!! Ma aghlaq halqek habib u mlieh bil KOKO!!!!
Imma l-Grecja b'dawk il-problemi kollha ghandha mohh is-sitt seat ghal-Malta? Bhalli kieku dan ser isolvi il-problemi tal-Grecja! Dan miskin spicca bla siggu fil-Parlament Malti u probabbli ser jibqa' bla siggu fil-Parlament Ewropew, wara li ceda is-siggu lil Joseph. Haqqu li l-Labour jiehu hsiebu u jghinu wara l-att erojku tieghu.
U zgur dawn ta' hawn taht li jiktbu hekk, hekk jixtiequ li Cuschieri jibqa kif inhu ghax ghadhom ihossuha t-tkaxkira u matarax li dan il-qaddis ta' Gvern immexxi minn Gonzi li b'kumbinazzjoni jigi n-nepput ta' dak l-Arcisqof li li ta'l-INTERDETT lil Laburisti mhux se jaghmel minn kollox biex Cuschieri jiehu postu kif suppost. Dik hi l-Ewropa kien jghid tajjeb Duminku Mintoff li hawn Ewrapa ta' Abel u Ewropa ta' Kajjin u l-Gvern Qaddis taghna qieghed ma l-Ewropa ta' Kajjin. Pero' jiehux postu jew le Cuschieri ma nafx imma jibqa' l-fatt li dan il-Gvern qatt u qatt ma kien hawn ghar minnu fl-istorja ta' Malta. Issa biex tghaxxaqha se jkun hu l-Gvern Nazzjonalista mmexxi minn Gonzi n-neppurti ta' L-Arcisqof Sir Mikiel Gonzi li ha jkollu l-unur imdendel ma ghonqu li kellu jibla l-lixka bhal mazzun u se jkollu jdahhal id-DIVORZJU BILFORS gewwa Malta. Mur gib lil Arcisqof Gonzi ghadu haj kieku kien jerga juza l-arma ta' l-INTERDETT KONTRA DAN IL-GVEERN??????
miskin dan, irid jitla jahdem ghal pajjizna u ma jistax..........immmmmaaa nahseb jiena iktar qed jimmisja dak ic cheque flahhar tax xhar ghax ilu jeqred
Good one.
ghax ma jsaqsix lil siehbu, is-sur Martin Schulz biex jghinu....ara r-rapport tal-Illum tal-14 ta Novembru li ghadda
Li kieku kien MEP nazzjonalista forsi kien jithajjar jaghmel jekk, imma la int MEP Laburista ma ghandex cans.