COVID-19: Two deaths and 91 new cases
28 July COVID-19 update | 91 new cases • 2 deaths • 2,194 active cases • 3,862 swab tests in past 24 hours • 36 patients in hospital, one in ITU • Fully vaccinated residents at 373,771 • Total deaths at 423

91 new COVID-19 cases were registered on Wednesday, figures published by the health ministry show.
Two persons have also died while infected with COVID-19. Both men, aged 95 and 86.
The total number of deaths stands at 423.
Active cases stand at 2,194 after 125 recoveries were registered.
36 patents are currently being treated at Mater Dei Hospital for COVID-19. One of whom is in the ITU.
The average age of cases is 35-years-old.
3,862 swab tests were carried out in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of swabs to 1,079,695.
Until yesterday, 750,641 vaccine doses were administered, of which 373,771 were first doses. 373,771 people are fully vaccinated.