[WATCH] Manuel Delia: ‘Inquiry conclusions signal another chapter in our fight for justice’
Civil society NGO Repubblika file judicial protest in court after request to attend Friday’s parliamentary sitting was shot down by Speaker Anglu Farrugia

Civil society NGO Repubblika have called on the Prime Minister Robert Abela to act on the inquiry report into the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and remove those in government who enabled the climate of impunity “which took over the country”.
“Our fight is not over. Today’s conclusions signal another chapter in our struggle for justice,” Manuel Delia said.

NGO Repubblika President Robert Aquilina said Daphne Caruana Galizia was a “Maltese hero”.
“This report confirms what we have long been shouting about from our streets, that a culture of impunity has been created for our senior officials, our persons of trust and a select circle of politicians, businessmen and criminals,” Aquilina said.
He said politicians and businessman have snatched the country, becoming complicit in Caruana Galizia’s murder.
“That is why we will be insisting that all those ministers, government officials and persons of trust shoulder the responsibility of the report’s conclusions,” he said.
Repubblika laid out several demands in light of the report's publication, namely that the State should formally apologise and offer compensation to Daphne Caruana Galizia's family.
The NGO further demands that Cabinet resign immediately, to be replaced by a governent that excludes all those deemed responsible for the offences idenified in the inquiry report.
The Labour Party should also immediately expel Joseph Muscat from its structures, and an inter-institutional committee be set up with the participation of civil society so that the reforms needed can be carried out before the next election, Repubblika demanded.
Clemence Dujardin of Occupy Justice said Thursday’s conclusions are not a victory for government, “but a disgrace”.
“Prime Minister, we are spelling this out for you, loud and clear - we don’t want to hear your bullshit analysis, we want to hear a sincere apology,” she said.
“The government, the state, the institutions did not only allow for Daphne Caruana Galizia to be murdered under their watch - in truth, they also facilitated it.”
“And for this, the State must shoulder full responsibility. And this can only be achieved when Cabinet Members resign immediately, if for nothing, for voting in parliament to keep Konrad, Mizzi, for supporting Keith Schembri and Joseph Muscat.”
Addressing the protest, a Moviment Grafitti activist said Caruana Galizia’s murder stemmed from the inaction against corruption. He said the close relationship between big business and politicians lead to the deterioration of the rule of law.
In his concluding remarks, Manuel Delia said Repubblika filed a judicial protest in court on Thursday evening, after a request to attend tomorrow’s parliamentary sitting was shot down by the Speaker Anglu Farrugia.
He said activists will be outside the parliament building on Friday morning to protest the Speaker’s decision.
Follow our coverage of the report at the following links:
- Main report and liveblog: Caruana Galizia public inquiry | Muscat administration’s ‘impunity spread from highest echelons like an octopus’
- Joseph Muscat's statement: Muscat after inquiry report takes to Facebook | ‘I paid ultimate political price’
- Bernard Grech's statement: Abela must denounce Muscat, Grech says but stops short of demanding election
- The legal changes proposed: ‘Culture of familiarity’ | Caruana Galizia public inquiry proposes wide-ranging legal changes
- Proposals to protect journalists: Caruana Galizia inquiry board proposes police unit to protect journalists