Pregnant women urged to take COVID-19 vaccine
The Malta College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is warning of a recent increase in COVID-19 complications among pregnant women

The Malta College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MCOG) has strongly advised pregnant women to take the COVID-19 vaccine, after seeing an increase in virus-related complications among such women.
"Up to now we were advising that only women with high risk of exposure to the virus or with high risk medical conditions should be offered the vaccine. We are now revising this advice so that all pregnant women should consider taking the COVID-19 vaccine after their 12th week of pregnancy," the college said.
According to the MCOG, the COVID-19 vaccine may potentially reduce risk of admission into intensive care, and risks of premature births or stillbirth.
"Vaccination is the best way to reduce the chances of contracting COVID-19 in pregnancy so as to reduce potential complications to both mother and child," the college said.
The MCOG added that the COVID-19 vaccine can be taken in pregnancy and breast feeding, and if a woman is trying to get pregnant she can still take the vaccine, as the COVID-19 vaccine does not affect fertility.
Women may wish to discuss the benefits and risks of taking the vaccine with their health care professional and reach a joint decision.
In order to book an appointment for the Pfizer vaccine, pregnant women can call 145 or send an email on [email protected].