MEPA says claims of Mosta development outside development zone ‘unfounded’
MEPA says claims by environmental NGOs that an approved development in Mosta’s Wied il-Ghasel was ODZ are “wholly unfounded”.
The Authority said that in 2004 MEPA granted an outline development permit to demolish an existing dwelling and to construct an old people’s home, which included a considerable area ODZ.
At that time MEPA insisted that development will only be permitted within the development boundaries. Eventually an outline permit was issued for development on the same site, within development schemes, on which permit PA 5560/05 – the permit in question – was later issued.
“MEPA has not objected to the fact that although the outline development permit was issued for an old people’s home, the full development permit was granted for the construction of apartments. This point is totally irrelevant since both uses are acceptable within development boundaries,” the authority said in a statement.
One of the main arguments brought against the granting of the development permit was related to the girna found on site, and which according to NGOs is under threat.
“The assumption that MEPA’s decision put girna under threat is incorrect,” MEPA said. “The conditions of MEPA development permit stipulate a bank guarantee of €50,000 and require the developer to restore the girna. In this regard, one has to mention that the way the proposal was restrained within development zone will also manage to screen a considerable stretch of less attractive back elevations.”
The decision of the Authority is subject to an appeal currently pending before the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal, which is completely independent from the Authority.
Under the provisions of the new Environment and Development Planning Act, in caseof an appeal involving a site which lies outside the development zone (ODZ) or in a protected area, in a case of a scheduled property (level 1 or 2), in a property where there is archeology or in cases of demolition of facades in UCA, the execution of a development permit is suspended pending such an appeal. Therefore, this particular case does not fall under this regulation since the site mentioned in this article falls within the development boundaries.
“This particular case was determined much prior to the coming into force of the new legislative and administrative procedures which were precisely intended to enhance and ensure that all decisions are transparent and subject to sustainable development principles,” MEPA said.