Updated | Enemalta postpones scheduled power cuts after consumer backlash
Enemalta postpones widespread scheduled power cuts to carry out maintenance work after consumer backlash at a time when Malta is experiencing a heatwave

Enemalta is postponing all scheduled maintenance works on the power grid that would have necessitated electricity to be suspended in various localities, the company said on Tuesday evening.
A long list of maintenance works released earlier would have seen extensive power cuts in several localities over the coming fortnight. The list caused a backlash among consumers, who could not understand why the scheduled work was being done at the height of a heatwave when electricity was in high demand.
In a statement on its Facebook page, Enemalta said "in view of the heatwave that hit the Maltese islands" it was postponing all regular maintenance work on the distribution system except those considered essential.
"All of Enemalta's engineers and technicians have been deployed to carry out emergency repairs where needed. Therefore, in order to minimise public inconvenience, it has been decided that the schedule of regular maintenance works in the coming days will be revised and only essential work will be carried out," the company said.
A revised list will be issued in due course.
READ ALSO: Enemalta says a record 561MW of electricity were used by the Maltese on Monday