COVID: 48 new cases, 120 recoveries
6 August COVID-19 update | 48 new cases • 1,134 active cases • 3,508 swab tests in past 24 hours • 36 patients in hospital, 4 in ITU • Fully vaccinated residents at 392,100 • Total deaths at 424

48 new coronavirus cases were recorded on Friday.
Active cases are down to 1,134, after 120 new recoveries were registered.
Total cases number 34,716, with 32,762 total recoveries.
3,508 swab tests were carried out in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of swabs to 1,110,077.
424 total deaths have been recorded since the start of the pandemic, after no deaths were registered on Friday.
The average of yesterday’s cases was 38, with a total of 36 COVID-19 positive patients currently being treated at Mater Dei Hospital, four of whom are in ITU.
Till yesterday, 770,496 doses were administered, of which 403,261 were a first dose. 392,100 people are fully vaccinated.