COVID-19: 53 new cases, 41 currently hospitalised
22 August COVID-19 update | 53 new cases • 667 active cases • 3,025 swab tests in past 24 hours • 41 patients in hospital, 3 in ITU • Fully vaccinated residents at 409,136 • Total deaths at 436

53 new COVID-19 cases were recorded on Sunday, figures published by the health ministry Facebook page show.
Active cases number 667, after 50 new recoveries were registered.
Total cases number 35,774, while total recoveries stand at 34,275.
3,025 swab tests were carried out in the last 24 hours, with 1,162,291 swabs carried out since the pandemic started.
The total number of deaths stands at 436, after no new fatalities were registered.
A total of 41 COVID-19 patients are being treated at Mater Dei Hospital. Three patients are currently in the ITU.
Till yesterday, 791,240 vaccine doses were administered, of which 410,856 were a first dose. 409,136 people are fully vaccinated.