Woman hospitalised after long wait at Valletta terminus

The teething problems at the new Valletta bus terminus have claimed their first casualty.

A woman, believed to be aged around 60, felt faint while waiting for one of the new Arriva buses under the heat of July, with no bus shelter for cover.

She was accompanied by her husband. Also present during the incident was Amanda Ciappara, the communications coordinator in the transport ministry, who was assisting the woman.

MaltaToday journalist Nestor Laiviera witnessed the incident: “There is a great accumulation of people at the bus terminus. The moment a bus stops to alight passengers, it is immediately swamped by commuters jostling to get on board.

“People are not aware of the way new public transport system works. There are two temporary shelters, but they are not next to the bus stops so nobody is using them.”

hahahaha u the most funny comment is from briffy, noqdu nonfqu il paga fuq taxi, bhall li kieku kullhadd sejjer xol flistess nahha ta malta, u min mandux karozza mhux ovja li jrid jistenna
I refuse to believe that anybody would be willing to wait for three hours in the scorching sun for a busride. If it is true, then that someone was in a no particular hurry, was not going to work, didn't have an appointment and must be a glutton for punishment. Today everybody carries a mobile, so people caught in that situation can very easily phone a taxi and share it with others.
For fairness sake, we must give time for the new service to settle. But we cannot forgive the governments who failed to deliver on promises to reform the service for the last 20 years! Here's a list of all the failing ministers and the ticket price which still kept rising: http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/07/04/it-trasport-pubbliku-fl-ahhar-20-sena-fl-ahhar-jaqblilna-wara-das-snin-kollha/
huwa fi dmirr li ta l-arriva jatu refreshments lil min ilu jistenna dawk is-sijat biex jirkeb tal linja! meta ajruplan jittardja il passigier jinatta refreshemts, imma laqwa li dr agostino gatt il qaddis jippopa siddru ha jidher cool :)
Il-poplu Malti trattat inqas mill-annimali. Jekk ma temmnux qattaw xi 3 sieghat tistennew f' xemx taqli, jew vjagg ta 10 minuti johodlok fuq siegha biex tasal
ifrah ja poplu la dan il KATTIV gvern gabek iblah
Kull ma jagħmel GONEZI u sħabu bilfors jispiċċa ħażin għax huma serqu l-elezzjoni u min jisraq ma jgawdix dak li jisraq. Fittex itlaq u sejjaħ elezzjoni GONEZI għax issa qażżist lill-poplu.
Il-Libya,, L-afganistan, Is-Sirja, L-iran, L-Iraq - dawn ghandhom transport publiku ahjar minn taghna - L-awqa li Austin powers immur ix-xoghol bil-JAGUAR u int ja MALTA IMBECCILI ghoqod stenna fix-xemx. Imma bhall ma jghid il-Malti Minn jixtieq id-denni li ghajru jigi wara daru. MALTA - is-serpentina tal lokki tad-dinja - kullhadd jitfa fija - imbghad meta tinstad naraw.
din mhux teething Sur Salv imma dentatura shiha,balbuljata ghal Wistin &Co.Jiena wiehed li nghid li l-Arriva se tkun sucess KBIR imma mhux nibda fit 3 ta Lulju???????????? imisna bdejna fit 3 ta Frar. Ippruvaw jiehdu rikba politika u marru zmerc. Iva kollox hazin qed jigie GONZI?????????????/
Luke Camilleri
The Change from the old servie to the new is already being felt... instead of swearing Bus Drivers , we are having commuters and passengers doing the swearing! Arriva were quite quick to protest and claim compensation, and given , when there was a change of route when Bisazza was given the status of a pedestrian zone - Will Dr. Gonzi claim comensation for these disruptions in service with the same zeal Arriva claimed theirs??????
X'diżastru! Imbasta dawn is-salt qżies jiftaħru bl-Arriva! Qed narah il-progress eh!
Raymond Falzon
Basta nefaq 5000 Euro ghal kull sigra, umbat ma ghamilx shelter ghan nies is sir gatt
dak serviz, bomba xtahseb dardira gatt