Hospital fêtes patron saint but keeps patients in the dark – nurses
Nurses union says electric generator promised eight months ago still not installed at Mount Carmel Hospital.
The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses has accused the health division of misleading the public when it claimed it had installed an electric generator at Mount Carmel Hospital eight months ago.
The union accused the health division of issuing a false statement intended to deceive patients and nurses at the mental health hospital. “To this very day, no work related to such generator has been initiated at Mt Carmel. Such false statement was intended to alleviate the pressures of industrial actions organised by MUMN in September 2010, and to deviate the attention of the press from such a grave issue at that time,” union president Paul Pace said.
Pace also said that Mt Carmel is currently dedicating its financial and human resources for the organisation of the forthcoming Worker of the Year Award and celebrations for its patron saint. “In these events, money is no object… fireworks, singers, sound systems and lighting equipment are easily hired with no financial problem whatsoever.”
Pace said that when a power failure occurs at the hospital, nurses and patients are left in pitch darkness with essential treatment sometimes impossible to be administered. “Hot beverages cannot be provided and even meals have to be consumed cold. This is the true reality at Mt. Carmel Hospital, and not the feast which tries to give the impression that all is well for the patients,” Pace said.
The nurses’ union president added that small domestic emergency lights with a limited power duration, provide the only lighting in such emergencies. “This shows the lack of respect towards patient care and poor management in prioritising from the Mt Carmel management, which boasts autonomy from the Heath Division.”
MUMN also said the health division has not yet provided nurses with adequate uniforms and proper footwear for all nurses. “We’ll be protesting this lack of safety during the main activities organised by Mt Carmel. MUMN will also be issuing instructions to all nurses not to participate in any of such activities. If Mt Carmel wants to eradidcate the stigma on this hospital, they should start leading by example, not treating such patients as inferiors,” Pace said.