Tax refund cheques between €45 and €95
Tax refunds are in the post and this year’s disbursement comes with higher minimum and maximum thresholds

Tax refund cheques started being posted today with amounts varying between €45 and €95 depending on the individual’s income.
The refunds are an electoral pledge and this is the fourth year they are being disbursed.
All employees who earn less than €60,000 will be receiving a refund with those who earn the least getting the highest amount. The system also awards refunds to those who do not pay income tax because their income threshold falls below the minimum level.
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana said that 250,000 workers are expected to benefit from the refunds. The measure will cost government €17 million.
In the previous three years, the minimum and maximum amounts stood at €40 and €68.
Over four years, government would have disbursed €53 million in refunds and another tranche is expected to be announced in the budget for next year.