UHM threatens to take measures over working conditions of paramedic aides

The Health Services section of the Union Haddiema Maghqudin (UHM) have registered an industrial dispute with the Health Division over working conditions of paramedic aides. 

The Union had sent proposals to the Health Division requesting a new structure for the grades of Paramedic Aides who currently work at the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) at Mater Dei Hospital and to date, have not received a formal counterproposal.

Spokesperson for The Health Services Section Gian Paul Gauci said the Section have issued an ultimatum of 14 July for the said counterproposals to be sent. Failing that the Section has threatened to take “all necessary measures to safeguard the interests of these workers,” he added.

UĦM is also insisting that the Division of Health should also include the grade of phlebotomists in its counterproposals which are also part of the grades of paramedic aides.