Court expert sheds doubt on Vince Farrugia medical examination
A medical expert appointed by the court for the compilation of evidence against Sandro Chetcuti, the former GRTU member accused with the attempted murder of Vince Farrugia, has called into question Farrugia’s initial medical examination.
Specialist Malcolm Crockford told the court today that scans he examined of Vince Farrugia’s bones after he was assaulted by Chetcuti, exhibited a redness that could not be attributed to the incident itself or any fractures.
Property developer Sandro Chetcuti is accused of assaulting the Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) director-general Vince Farrugia at the GRTU offices in Valletta. He is being charged of his attempted murder after Farrugia suffered numerous blows.
But in today’s court sitting, Crockford’s testimony intensifies doubts first shed by another court expert, Dr Mario Scerri, on the medical report of Farrugia’s injuries by radiologist Dr Anthony Samuel.
Scerri insisted that Vince Farrugia did not suffer fractures but was only slightly injured.
Handing in a detailed report, Scerri explained that a scar on Farrugia’s eyebrow was not serious, so much so that to date it is not visible.
Scerri also challenged the conclusions of Dr Samuel’s report and insisted that Vince Farrugia’s ribs were not fractured. Backed up by a three-phase scan, Dr Scerri explained that the scan showed a re-modelled bone due to a previous injury but there were no fractures.
This was also pointed out in a report by Dr Konrad Borg at the Emergency Department stating that there were no fractures too.
Sandro Chetcuti is being assisted by Dr Edward Gatt and Dr Emanuel Mallia.