Industry, hoteliers in appeal against Air Malta pilots’ strike threat

Updated | Threat of industrial action by Air Malta pilots can have devastating results, Chamber of Commerce and MHRA in appeal against grounding of aircraft.

The Chamber of Commerce has joined the hotels and restaurants’ lobby in appealing for an end to threats by Air Malta pilots of grounding aircraft.

The Chamber said ALPA’s threats were ill-timed, disproportionate and “most irresponsible”. “They must not be short-sighted and resort to the negotiating table in an effort to unblock the situation through reason rather than destruction.”

Earlier, the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association said a strike by Air Malta pilots, scheduled for the 16 July, will put the national airline the employment of thousands in the tourism industry at risk.

“The MHRA is extremely concerned about the threat of industrial action by the Association of the Air Malta pilots (ALPA) which can have devastating results during what is considered to be a peak period for the tourism industry. The threat itself creates uncertainty amongst potential customers, who will think twice before booking with Air Malta,” MHRA president George Micallef.

The Chamber blamed “political motivation” for prevailing over the economic logic in running Air Malta. But while it said ALPA was justified in pointing his out, the union was being "irresponsible by threatening a strike that will paralyse access in and out of the country and at the height of the tourism season. This could place hundreds of jobs at risk throughout the entire economy – in sectors which are intrinsically linked to tourism.  Further jobs could be lost in manufacturing, retail and financial intermediation - not to mention tourism and the airline itself."

ALPA is insisting that before dismissing any pilots, Air Malta must make substantial savings by renegotiating contracts, particularly with Malta International Airport. “The time has come and we are telling government that enough is enough, and unless drastic changes are made to the way things work at Air Malta, we are all going to lose,” Azzopardi said.

Air Malta aims to cut its current workforce by 511, including 57 pilots from a compliment of 149. The pilots are also to march to Castille in Valletta on 15 July, and will be joined by the members of the cabin crew union who expressed support. Reports a few days ago said a strike could take place on 16 July.

But the MHRA said that a strike by pilots would also hurt a number of Maltese who have booked their trips and planned holidays with Air Malta. “Surely this is not what the union of pilots aspires for. Industrial action in the prevailing circumstances carries a huge responsibility and as such should not be taken lightly. The MHRA appeals to ALPA to reconsider its position and to pursue its claims through constructive discussions,” Micallef said.

The MHRA also laid blame for the airline’s current state of affairs at the feet of “politicians who over the years interfered and took decisions for Air Malta where and when they shouldn't and did not when they should have. Ultimately government will have to shoulder the responsibility for Air Malta.”

But it also warned that the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) chief had issued a stern warning back in 2008 that some airlines will have to fold up if structural changes are not carried out immediately.

“The IATA has asked governments to take speedy steps to enable the industry to weather the ‘perfect storm’ of high costs and falling demand,” Micallef said.

With major legacy and other airlines struggling with bankruptcy, and some airlines bailed out under very stiff restructuring processes, Air Malta seemed unfazed during the past decade. Malta’s cash flow came to a crunch late last year, government declared that Air Malta’s time for an overhaul had come and injected €52 million to bail out the national carrier.

The airline is now undergoing a serious restructuring plan to be submitted to the EU Commission. “Not even now do we have a full picture, and we are fed bits and pieces through unofficial sources.  The communication process was poor since day one, and some of the decisions taken by Air Malta were at times erratic, like that taken last October to cut 38,000 seats from the UK, only to reinstate most of them three months later,” Micallef said.

Lack of interaction

Micallef also blasted the lack of interaction with main tourism players such as the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA). “Important decisions taken by the national carrier are at times learnt from third parties. The MTA is mainly responsible for marketing Malta but MTA is practically unaware of decisions taken by Air Malta and much less of its plans.”

Micallef said this situation should improve wit the appointment of former MTA chairman Louis Farrugia as the airline’s new chairman. “[He] is best positioned to appreciate the frustration and the risks involved by the lack of communication between the two organisations.”

The Chamber of Commerce also said it had not been invited to participate in any related discussions on Air Malta.

“We need to give the new management some breathing space, but we are all waiting anxiously to be told what will happen. On the forefront there are the 1,300 Air Malta staff, and thousands more employed with the tourism industry… millions of euros of investment at risk, and more millions in taxes and VAT which government will lose if there is a downturn in tourism,” Micallef warned.

“The stakes are very high. We need to work together to see how best we can put Air Malta back on its feet in the shortest time possible.”

@Haha... Ghadkom tghixu b'mentalita' ta' 300 mitt sena ilu. Daqshekk hu qadim dak il-paroli vojt li pruvajt tikkwota u li illum ma jifhmu hadd. Illum qeghdin fis-sena 2011 u l-prattici ta' 300 sena ilu spiccaw. Dak id-diskors kien jghodd fi zmien meta l-amerikani kellhom l-iskjavi suwed li jitbaghlu, jissawtu u ma jithallsux mhux piloti li jithallsu €100,000 fis-sena talli jahdmu medja ta' anqas minn 4 sighat kuljum (14 il-pilota ghal kuill ajruiplan f'24 siegha). Din misskom tghidulhom lilll-haddiema l-ohra li se ttellfulhom hobzhom.
Josh din tgħodd għalik u għal dawk il-lagħaqa ta' GONEZI u tal-barrani. Oqgħod immedita ftit fuqhom. Jekk inthom tħobbu l-għana (flus) aktar mil-Liberta`, it-trankwillita` tal-jasar aħjar mill-ġlieda li tħeġġek tal-ħelsien, morru d-dar mingħandna fis-sliem. Aħna ma nitolbux il-parir jew l-armi tagħkom. Tmiegħeku u ilgħaqu l-idejn li jitimukom. J’Alla l-ktajjen tagħkom ikunu ħfief fuqkom, u j’Alla dawk li jiġu warajkom jinsew li inthom kontu minn pajjiżna. Samuel Adams, diskors fil-Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776. U Oħra Dawk li jċedu l-Liberta` essenzjali, biex jixtru ftit Sigurta` temporanja, la jixirqilhom Liberta` lanqas Sigurta`. Benjamin Franklin Għandek oħra Huwa d-destin komuni ta' dawk għażżenin li jaraw id-drittijiet tagħhom isiru l-priża ta' dak li jaħdmu. Il-kundizzjoni li Alla kien ta l-Liberta` lill-bniedem hija viġilanza eterna; liema kundizzjoni jekk huwa jikser, il-jasar ikun minnufih il-konsegwenza tad-delitt tiegħu, u l-kastig tal-ħtija tiegħu. John Curran, July 10, 1790, f’diskors dwar il-ħatra ta’ sindku ta’ Dublin U oħra Is-siġra tal-Liberta` trid tiġi mġedda minn żmien għal żmien bid-demm tal-patrijotti u t-tiranni. Huwa d-demel naturali tagħha. Thomas Jefferson, f’ittra lil William Smith, Nov. 13, 1787 U oħra Sib dak li n-nies lesti joqgħodu għalih u inti tkun sibt dak il-kejl eżatt ta’ inġustizzja u ħażen li jista’ jiġi mpost fuqhom; u dawn jibqgħu sakemm jiġu reżiżtiti jew bil-kliem jew bid-daqqiet, jew bit-tnejn. Il-limiti tat-tiranni huma preskritti minn kemm jifilħu dawk li huma jaħqru. Frederick Douglass, attivist tad-drittijiet ċivili, 4 ta' Awissu, 1857
It's amazing that over these last few years MHRA only commented significantly on Airmalta three times. 1. circa 2008. Defending Air Malta buy saying that employees should not go about asking for unrealistic salaries as it could have repercussions on tourism. Jahasra. 2. Throughout the years. In favour if Low Cost Airlines to the detriment of Air Malta. Air Malta for unprofitable routes, Ryanair for other routes. 3. And finally, now. What can I say, sandwich bil perzut anyone?
@not amused ALPA had forewarned Govt and co but nobody would listen. I repeat NOBODY! including the PL. Go on..ask Tonio Fenech how many assets the company has. The answer is nill, EXCEPT for many of its talented employees, because the government sucked it dry...and everybody, including the PL, stood by watching!!! This is the reality at AM. So...yes, every action is justified now. Nobody seems to care about the employees at AM because they have always been taken for granted! Now I hope everyone will feel what they feel. Finally, MHRA battled to waiver against the costs being imposed by the increased VAT first and foremost because of its profitability and not because of the employees. We all know the conditions of workers working in the local hospitality sector.
@vcas1 Don't u realise that the MHRA had battled tooth and nail to waiver the costs being imposed by the increased VAT on the hotel accommodation to say nothing about the astronomical untility rates hikes which have dug even deeper in their bottom line. Your animosity being shown in this blog is completely misguided and undeserved. After all everybody is sitting in the same boat and KM's demiss is not going to be serving any segment of the industry, least of all ALPA itself, any of the unions joining this strike or the MHRA for that matter. In a war of words or entrenchment, there are not going to be any winners. That much is certain.
Keep it up ALPA...who gives a s*** what MHRA have to say. Where were they when AM staff salaries froze while those greedy pigs in management appointed by PN continued to get their performance allowance even though the company was failing? where were MHRA when this Govt has sold all assets of Malta to foreigners? where were MHRA when all those employees from Selmun Hotel were fired...did they give them another job because of their experience? No problem Mr Micallef...we are all ready to suffer a bit for a better future than have you guys suck on our blood for your own financial interests! As if you care about Malta's economy...all you care is about your profits! Keep it ALPA!! don't do like the opposition which is just there to warm seats in Parliament!
@ Josh... Nies bhalek huma dizunur ghal pajjizna!!! Mohhkom biex tiddefendu lil siehibkom Gonzi anke jekk jitmakhom il HARA!!! Kemm sejjer zball jekk qed tahsen li il qabar ta' L-Airmalta hafruh il missekx tisthi ja bicca ta laqi bil pedigree. Hawm Malta hemm bzonn li nies iqumu kontra dan il Gvern viljak, arroganti u korrot!!! Mhux ser inhalluh ikisslirn LIL FAMILJI TAGHNA u dak li bnejna b'tant sagrificcju!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fhimtni ja Laqi ta Gonzipn!!!!
avatar musmar fuq tebut tal Air Malta wahhlu siehbek Gonzi u l klikka li qed tpappija min fuq dahar l-Airmalta.U bilhaqq,jekk int qed tahseb li flusek sejrin fl-Airmalta,sejjer zball habib.Dawk l flus iridu jithalsu lura,il-miljuni li qed issemmi li se tohrog bhala cittadin ,pjuttost se jmorru az zieda li ha siehbek Gonzi PN 500 Euro fil gimgha,u ghal klikek li ghadom jpappuwa minn fuq l-Airmalta,ax dawk mhu se jithalsu lura qatt!!
Ahsbuha sew nies u qed nappellalkom bhala cittadin fl-interess ta' hafna familji maltin Dan l-istrajk se jkun l-ahhar musmar fuq it-tebut ta' l-Airmalta. Minflok qed iggibu ftit rispett lill-poplu li kien se jerga' jispicca johrog il-miljuni biex jigu salvati l-impiegi, qeghdin tittrattaw liil Maltin taz-zibel u qed tigu titmejlu mill-konsegwenzi li se ggibu fuq l-airline stess u fuq l-impiegi tal-haddiema kollha Maltin li se jintilfu f'hafna setturi. Qeghdin fl-ahhar minn l-ahhar issawtu lil min kien se jaghmel tajjeb ghalikom. Nifhem li jekk tkun pilota malajr issib job ma' airline ohra u allura tfalli u ma tfallix l-Airmalta mhux se thossuha daqs haddiema ohra. Biex haddiem komuni jaqla dak li qed taqilghu intom s'issa irid jaghmel snin twal jahdem minn job ghal iehor. Mela ahsbu fil-haddiema l-ohra ghax imbaghad la tfalli l-Airmalta ikun tard wisq u araw kif se tispjegawlu lil dak il-haddiem li tkunu telliftuh hozbu.
Allura issa ghax l piloti qed jipprovaw jiehdu dak li hu haqqhom jqumu l-irwiefen kontrihom. Possibbli li l gvern ma jafx li qed jitolbu dawn n nies hija haga tajba u li ghanda titwettaq jekk l-Air Malta (Ghasafar tac Conb) trid tibqa fl-ajru?
Dear President MHRA, No words regarding those who will be out of a job with the so called national airline due to defintate contract. Do you sympathise with them? Why not put pressure on your dear minister to reflect on the point of view of the pilots who are after all stakeholders in the airline. or else it is just another lame excuse for some of your members' tired properties just in case
Last year Iceland's volcano made a mess through out european flights why for gonziPN's sake are you moaning about the pilots and cabin crew strike? . Instead of moaning how about landing a hand to get rid of those who are ruining the country or are your obligations too deeply rooted to let you stand up and be counted.
Does the MHRA knows that it hurts more when ending without a job which is worse than somebody losing on his holiday. You should put pressure on gonziPN who brought all of this on us and not on the pilots and cabin crews. The pilots request is simple and justified, let's not forget that prior to the 2004 restructuring which looks like it never happened except of selling off Airmalta subsidiaries to friends of friends and then giving all the work done by these same subsidiaries to friends of friends on lucrative contracts,
as someone said somewhere else, it seems that 500+ airmalta jobs being lost is acceptable; but job losses in other areas of the tourism industry are not! Thank you MHRA for telling us your priorities
MEMO TO THE MHRA & CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. If need be this nation will stand up and paralyze the whole country, because the Maltese people are sick and tired of:= (1) Seeing their assets sold to or divided by the chosen few cabals that has destroyed this island with greed and land grab to create a concrete jungle and self induced pollution. (2) Seeing their taxes subsidizing the Tourist Industry and every other private entity that while these cabals encourage privatisation for their unbridled greed, they cannot compete on thier own competent management and start talking doom so that the government reward them with hand outs, from tax payers money. It took two decades for the people to realise the coup surrounding the theft of this nation's assets and as citizens they must demand answers and justice to those responsible for abuse of power and the destruction of this island's financial structure. The first question on the agenda should be, why the governor of the central bank resigned thereby creating an opportunity for one of the most incompetent ex ministers to be appointed in his place? (
MHRA can say what they like now...WE DONT CARE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This government has crossed the line and there's NO looking back!!!!!!!!!!! If this is the only way that the greedy and irresponsibile circle of friends can be stopped then so be it!!!! Malta belongs to the Maltese and not to GONZIPN and CO.!!!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Dear Chamber of Commerce , MHRA and all those who only protest and preach doom, when industrial action is mentioned, please note that Alpa is not taking this action for an increase in salaries or for better conditions but to ask those in charge of Air Malta to make substantial savings by renegotiating contracts, particularly with Malta International Airport and not to take the easy way out by dismissing employees.
Wahda mir ragunijiet li l Air Malta ghandha krizi finanzjarja huwa low cost, li l MHRA appoggjaw. Issa jekk iridu tal MHRA jghidu low cost carriers igibu t turisti li kienet iggib l Air Malta. U wara kollox x jippretendu tal MHRA u shabhom, li gvern ikecci l haddiema minajr ma joffri impieg alternattiv u l haddiema jghidulu prosit u grazzi. U halluna tal MHRA iddahqux aktar nies bikhom. Lil haddiema tal Air Malta ghandhom jaghmlu strikes sakemm GONZIPN li kien wedhom impieg garantit qabel l elezzjoni, il gvern jiddikjara li se jiehu over il haddiema li jispiccaw bla xoghol. Forsi issa l ministru Fenech mhux qed jara l madonna tibki meta jaf li 511 haddiem u l familji taghhom se jispiccaw fi krizi
george issa qedin taghmlu ghageb, ilu 20 senna il pn ihharbat u qatt ma ftahtu halkom.Alpa ic edux issa ghax titilfu kollox.
I was under the impression that George and his clan wiil support their acction. George first and for most the Air Malta comes first from your political believes. I will not be surprise if the cinarium was the other way MRA expect all the support from Air Malta. All we hear from HMRA cry cry and cry all year round. Mark my words if we ALL support the Air Malta the strike will never be in action because then the "Non cwiec" has to bow their heads
Weren’t they supposed to go protest outside the homes of the (alleged) leeches that have sucked the airline dry? How come they are now threatening to hurt their loyal customers? If they want to bite where it hurts, they should draw up a list with the names of people and companies that have harmed the airline, and refuse to fly the planes if any one of these on the list, or their employees on official business, or even their cargo for that matter, is on the same plane. If they have a disagreement with the government, then they should start the list with the names of ministers and their staff. Bite the hand that’s choking you not the one that feeds you. And you, MHRA, exactly what are you still on the spectator benches? Get down into the arena and do some biting too.
Wake up call MHRA.....its time to look further than the tip of your nose and give some deserved backing to the company that helped you get where you are today!When you were in need,you found Airmalta to scratch your back,but when Airmalta was in need,you preferred licking the foreigner and putting Airmalta compete in an unfair competition,so your pockets will fill quicker.....that is in the short term! Like the Maltese saying goes"min jobzoq ghas sema jigi fwiccu"!!Time to do something,better late than never !
Why is it that when someone decides to make a stand against the Gonzi regime your mouth seems to get bigger by the minute, dear Mr. George Micallef. I haven't heard you say anything about Arriva, and the shambles they have managed to create. Or this is not effecting the tourism industry. OH sorry, I forgot the new system is a Gonzi PN project, but that's OK, for you. I would suggest you start talking from the upper hole of your body, maybe you will start making a bit of sense.
WITH ALL DUE RESPECT Mr. Micallef, your association and others of your ilk are fast defending your interests and this administration, yet nobody in their unbridled greed and free for all land grab has ever spoken against the dismantling of the nation's assets or retaining such important assets as AIR MALTA & MIA within the national treasury even when it was very clear the damage it was being done by privatisation policies to the Maltese economy, as long as your association was in a position of profits and gains.
Instead of moaning tell Tonio and your PN friends to quit giving away money from Air Malta to MIA. No one wil have a problem then neither Air Malta nor MHRA
Se jibda l-kor tas-soltu. Veru jista jkun hemm konsegwenzi. Imma xi hadd refa idejh ghll-impjegati KOLLHA ta' l-Airmalta? Xi had tniffes meta damdmu lill-Air Malta b'decizjonijiet strategici u finanzjarji zbaljati? Xi had tniffes meta l-Air Malta giet zvantaggjata bir-rati ta' L-MIA? Li tizra tahsad!!