ADPD: ‘No space for propaganda in public broadcasting’
The Green Party has called for independent public broadcasting and an end to party political stations

Green Party ADPD has said there was no room for government-controlled public broadcasting and the propaganda of the political stations in a modern European democracy.
Sandra Gauci, ADPD deputy secretary-general, marked the four-year anniversary of the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, hitting out at the increased tribalism dished out from party TV stations.
“Four years after this tragedy, journalists are still being threatened, some try to undermine their credibility and try to bribe or threaten them into silence. Instead of learning from this tragedy and becoming a more democratic society, we have become a country which is more tribal”
She said this was the result of years of propaganda from the main parties’ stations and the national broadcasting.
“Since public broadcasting is run by a minister, it is an extension of the governing party’s propaganda machine, with party activists becoming ‘broadcasters’ or administrators at the state’s broadcasting company.”
She called for a new model of state broadcasting that gives space to alternative voices in society and for a discussion on investigative journalism funding.
“The recent news that current affairs programmes need to be approved two weeks in advance is nothing more than a blatant attempt to stifle information and discussion on current affairs. Investigative journalism should be strongly encouraged and not thwarted.”
ADPD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said that on this occasion, robust journalism should be recognized as essential for a healthy democracy. “For investigative journalism, nothing is out-of-bounds. It is indespensible to ensure that political accountability is for real. It is within this context that we consider investigative journalism a foundation of the democratic state.”
“A root and branch reform of public broadcasting is essential. It should not be any longer the political responsibility of a Cabinet Minsiter but rather it should be administered independently of the goverment of the day. This similarly applies to the regulator (Broadcasting Authority) which should not be dominated by government appointees.”
Cacopardo added that this could happen if the parliament is no longer dominated by the PL and PN.
READ MORE: Bernard Grech says national broadcaster should be independent of government