Rural affairs minister promises horse shelters in Valletta

Rural affairs minister George Pullicino has promised a horse shelter at St Elmo’s and another one at the Cruise Liner terminal in Valletta.

The death of a horse that collapsed in the road on Wednesday while pulling a carriage (karozzin), has prompted animal rights activists to protest the lack of shelters, leading Minister Pullicino to promise adequate shelters for horses.

Whilst the activists had lodged a complaint with Transport Minister Austin Gatt, this website is informed that it is Pullicino who answered to the activists’ complaints.

Pullicino has promised that in a few weeks’ time there will be shelters in Valletta where the cruise liners dock and another one at St Elmo’s.

Meanwhile, the activists have acquired two marquees in the same areas.

The shelter in Valletta for horses was removed when St George’s square was rebuilt. Whilst cabbie drivers have been offered an alternative, the locations proposed did not offer enough shelter for the horses. Meanwhile, a shelter down in Valletta next to Evan’s Building has been repeatedly occupied by vehicles.

Ghaliex huwa daqshekk difficli biex isir shelter az-zwiemel tal karozzini? Possibli li ma ahniex kapaci inhennu ghaz-zwiemel f'din il qilla tax-xemx? L-aqwa li kullhad ( u sewwa ghamlu, tkellem u thassar lil kelba Star ) biex imbaghad naghlqu ghajnejna ghal dawn iz-zwiemel li litteralment qed jinxtwew kulljum.
Joseph MELI
Yeah right Georgie baby and my cheque is in the post I"ll bet?Did you guarantee these poor lovely creatures a job for life also?
Il-Ministru Pullicino - bħala Ministru tal-Ambjent - kellu bzonn jieħu ħsieb dawn il-ħafna distributuri tal-'junk-mail' fid-djar. Bħalissa ninsab għal vileġġjatura u kull meta mmur nittawwal id-dar, ħaġa li nagħmilha spiss, insib il-letter box tiegħi nofsha miftuħa u nofs-barra-u-nofs-ġewwa nsib xi leaflet tar-reklami. B'hekk id-dar tiegħi qed tkun esposta għal min irid jittawwal jew jitfa' xi ħaġa. Jiena l 'junk mail' ma jdejqunix għax insibhom komdi biex niksi d-dustbin bihom. Li ma jgħoġobnix hu l-mod kif ideffsuhom (nofs-barra-u-nofs-ġewwa). Darba fuq tal-linja smajt tnejn jgħidu li raw xi tfal jaqbdu dawn il-karti u jitfgħuhom f'nofs ta' triq - b'hekk iħammġu l-ambjent. Jiġifieri dawn mhumiex ħlief ħela ta' flus ghal min jordnahom. Jekk il-ministru ma jagħtix kaz iwaaqfhom hu hemm bzonn inwaqqfuhom aħna billi naghmlu bhal dawk it-tfal u l-mail li nsibu mdeffsa hekk nitfgħuha f'nofs ta' triq ahna wkoll - forsi b'hekk incalqalqu l-ministru nir-raqda li rieqed (fuq dil-ħaġa).
I think that Government should better introduce regulations about horse driven cabs, and ensure that cabbie drivers are made to clean the streets from horse dung and unpleasant smells when roaming our our roads. Are fees chargeable by cabbie drivers vattable, since I have never seen a cabbie driver handing out vat receipts. Commissioner of Inland Revenue should also carry out a thoroughi nvestigation of the tax returns submitted by owners of horse driven Karozzini
As usual when an election is getting nearer many promises are made. What took you so long George?