[WATCH] From The Fringe | The Occultist
Up close and personal with practicing occultist Patrick Gaffiero
![Patrick Gaffiero, The Occultist](http://content.maltatoday.com.mt/ui/images/photos/6_1.png)
What does a practitioner of Magick really do?
It does involve many years of study. Maybe contrary to the belief, Magick is something that I believe we are born with, as in the energy that flows through us. But then it needs cultivation, it obviously needs mentorship and it also needs the ability to bring it forward to the fore working; with different entities and energies and the understanding of the manipulation of what is around us, to be able to create intent. So, a practitioner of arts, of dark arts or whatever arts they would like to practice, is basically someone who has dedicated time and energy in researching and understanding the art of Magick.
How does one get to start practicing Magick?
It is very much down to either chance encounters, where you actually meet the right people at the right time. Mentorship is very important. I have always said that a magician always needs a mentor. At some point in time, you will become your own entity. I have always believed that you become a good practitioner of Magick, a true magician, when you achieve the ultimate aim of becoming Magick itself.
Until such time, you will need to have mentors in your life but it’s not easy to find. A lot of people, unfortunately have retorted to books and they have retorted to the internet. It is not the same thing. You will need a mentor in your life, you will need that person there, on hand, that is going to guide you to the different styles of Magick or whatever you are taking on board.
Can you put spells on people?
The straightforward answer is yes but the logistic of that is a bit more in detail and more elaborate. So yes, spell work does exist, as energy does exist and therefore frequency exists.
If a magician is of such competence to be able to influence frequency and intent, then they will be obviously able to deliver a spell. Spells are also very much relevant to the caster, the level of the caster, the intention and their practice in the art. So, when you send a spell out into the universe, you send energy out and some people might think it’s going to work out immediately. There are certain spells and intent, and contributing factors which might mean that your spell might take time to actually reach the target.
Now you need to remember that spells are malevolent or benevolent. So realistically, it’s down to your intent. Do you intent to heal? Do you intent to maim? There are spells in all kinds of areas of life. I have written about and been quite clear on love spells, about the fact that manipulating someone’s free will is not something that one needs to entertain, or should entertain. Because when you do that, when you’re manipulating the free will of someone to be able to get something in return, the chances are that what you are gaining in return, is going to be ill received. Because you have now interfered with fate and time.
Do Ouija boards really work?
In my opinion, yes, they do work. It is a one vehicle; one means of exercise that leads to having contact with what we class as the spirit world.
Do you see yourself in direct opposition to theist religions?
Absolutely not! I have studied religion myself. I was institutilised by the Jesuits and spent many many years under their indoctrination. I learnt a lot from of these people. I have no such view of confrontation with any other religion. We learn something from each religion and every path. I obviously developed my own path. I believe that teaching is for everyone, knowledge is free and we should share it. Because there are people out there and if the knowledge is not shared, how can they make a concisive decision? How can they make an educated choic, on what they would like to believe in? I think the most important thing is that the ultimate result is the same, right? And one thing that I have always said is that we always should start from a place of love. If we start from a foundation of love, then what we’re trying to do, is build something which is constructive not destructive. Then I think we’re going to have a good end result, making the world a better place.
Is satanism just stylized western esoterism?
I think that anyone that reads LaVey’s 11 Satanic rules for the world […] I think if you go through them one by one, you will realise that they actually make common sense. There is nothing in there that should be demonised and looked at, as if, my god what are they saying here?! I think they make perfect sense and should people adapt them to their normal day to day life with discretion, because any rule in this world, even the ten commandments need to be seen at face value and adapted to the society that you live in at the time. So, I think if people were a bit more open, and looked at the general meaning and feeling to what was behind these teachings, or these rules, or these pointers […] I think they would find that they would have a set of rules, or a set of indications that could help them along the way during the day-to-day life, yes.
Does Satan exist?
There is a firm belief in our society that it is the church that created demonisation of entities, to be able to derive a division between what they class as angels and demons. The study of that, demonology, is very in depth and we couldn’t cover it here. So, does Satan exist? I don’t know, I think one needs to understand the concept of Satan. Is it an adversary? Is it a concept? An ideology? Is it a demon? A human being? Is it something that you actually can see? As I did say, it is a very elaborate subject, not one that I can answer in two words for you. What I do say though, is that the ideology behind the figure is down to interpretation and understanding of the meaning of Satan.
Is animal sacrifice, or human sacrifice a part of any occultist or satanic ritual?
Well, I can tell you categorically that in my many years of being involved in the occult and having experienced diverse systems and operations, am yet to ever come across anything of the sort. So, I can assure you that it is urban legend.
What is Luciferianism?
Lucifer is seen as a fallen angel, correct? Some, an entity, a deity; a figurehead that rebelled against authority. One needs to understand whether the authority was objective, or destructive, and what was the purpose of the fall. Are we looking at this metaphorically?
Or we looking at this as an ideology? In my opinion luciferianism is certainly an ideology. It empowers the self and the person. We believe that we are gods in our own right, but then again, we are, right? We are divine beings. Therefore, as divine beings and people that can definitely compose a higher state of being, then it empowers you to be the best version of yourself. Therefore, I would say that there is certainly a negative connotation to the word Lucifer, or luciferianism.
Under that context, if one were to take then the various stories, fables and everything that has been thrown about by different people; if you look at the bible itself to be honest, in the bible Lucifer is not mentioned that many times either. There is not a direct correlation between evil and luciferianism. Evil is a choice, that we all have, whether you are Christian, a Luciferian, a Muslim; whatever your creed, it’s down to you as a person, to choose right from wrong.
Are people who say they are possessed by Satan just psychotic?
There is a distinct difference between people who have a mental condition and people who might be actually possessed by an entity outside of themselves. As we are made of energy and frequency, as we have a way of aligning the energies within and therefore the word dis-ease, means not at ease. Therefore, when you are not at ease, your energies are not ease. When you are not aligned, you are open for exterior forces to be able to take advantage of that weakness. But one has to be very careful when determining if it is actually a problem which is of a medical nature or something which is supernatural. If we’re going to take the church for example; and the church I believe, believes quite categorically in exorcism and possession, I think one has to understand the condition and the background and history of the person that is presented in front of you as possessed. And that is very imperative to the situation, trying to exorcise someone who is not possessed but actually has a condition which should be medically seen to, could be very detrimental.
How do you treat an exorcised person?
Not for camera…Sorry guys.
Tell us about your favourite devil/witchcraft horror movie
I mean Hollywood has come out with so many. It’s just incredible, you know. I think they’ve done good and bad at the same time, because they have literally made it popular and at the same time making it popular might have also made it unpopular. So, you know a lot of people like horror movies and I would say mine is the antichrist anthology. It’s Damien, you know, the old ones, I find affinity in those. I think they were amazing in the way they were constructed and the story they tell. But as I said, there are so many and I’m sure that people would have a different view point.