Air Malta’s CEO warns of ‘damaged brand’ if pilots strike

Chief executive Peter Davies reacts to pilots' 10 demands posted on food website | Air Malta files judicial protest against pilots.

Air Malta’s CEO Peter Davies has warned pilots that a planned industrial action to ground aircraft would be “totally irresponsible”, in a letter he sent to pilots in reaction to a blogpost appearing on food website

The blogpost features 10 demands by Airline Pilots Association president Dominic Azzopardi, each of which were answered by Davies in his letter to the 140-odd pilots’ workforce.

Air Malta also warned in a judicial protest filed today against ALPA that it may have to permanently stop operations if a threatened pilots' strike goes ahead. The airline said that should its flights be stopped by the strike, it would incur enormous costs and there would be a clear and imminent danger of it having to stop operations.

ALPA has threatened industrial action following the leak of an Ernst & Young report which showed that some 57 pilots were earmarked to be among the 511 workers facing redundancy through the restructuring of Air Malta.

“It has already started to cause us financial harm via loss of bookings and people deciding not to come to Malta during the summer,” Davies said of the proposed strikes. “In fact, if action proceeds, the gains that you say you are seeking will be outweighed by the short and long term losses to the airline’s revenue and reputation.”

Davies warns that Air Malta will be “a damaged brand” and that tourists would simply go to other places. “There are ways to go about implementing change and this [industrial action] is not one of them.

ALPA's 10 demands and Davies's answers

1. MIA must issue a 3-year moratorium on charges

Davies says that ALPA’s demands for government to compensate MIA on a 3-year moratorium to Air Malta would be “pure state aid completely in breach of EU rules”. Davies also reveals that airport charges form the bulk of MIA revenue - 64% - “forgoing MIA’s revenue for three years goes beyond any realistic demand... we are progressing on substantial negotiations with MIA.”

2. All executive level management up must leave

“Already a number of high-ranking key management members have gone are being be replaced,” Davies says without mentioning names. But “wielding the hatchet indiscriminately across the board is grossly irresponsible to say the least, verging on the vindictive.”

3. Cargo charges need to be revised and contracts should reflect what agents are selling it at

Davies says he has 15 years’ experience at board level at DHL. “We have brought in a cargo specialist… no area of the business will escape his review.” But he then says that thinking that Air Malta will achieve its turnaround solely by revamping its cargo business “is a grossly misstated claim.”

4. The Air Malta website needs a complete revamp now and must include cargo bookings

Website is already “state of the art internet booking engine” and is being reviewed for fine-tuning, Davies says. “Restructuring is much, much deeper than that.”

The CEO says they are implementing spot cargo and use website to direct people to call Air Malta to book cargo, but “cargo airline industry is far off from reaching the stage of booking cargo on the web.”

5. Courier contracts need to be re-written to reflect the financial reality

“Courier contracts are included in the cargo audit... This will be an ongoing exercise as Air Malta’s rates need to keep on reflecting market reality.”

6. Revision of all contracts pertaining to aircraft lease

Restructuring includes renegotiating of all contracts, Davies says, including lease and maintenance of aircraft. “We are already reviewing the top 20 contracts.”

7. Revision and rewriting of all major contracts which have been sinking the company or years

As above, but Davies says outsource contracts have benefited the airline – “each contract was audited to confirm that the benefits which the airline targeted were indeed achieved.”

8. Pilots must be involved in the top management of the company: we have many members whose knowledge goes over and beyond flying planes

Davies here says management is the responsibility of “management with valid qualifications, experience and capability” – instead he proposes being open to feedback from the institutionalized Works Council and Consultative Representative Council.

9. Top management needs to be fully loyal to the good of the company not to private interests

“Any founded breach of such trust will be dealt severely, if necessary also dismissal,” Davies says – but then adds that company employees who do part-time work must get the approval of the company.

10. We know why and how confidential information we have had no access to is being leaked. We shall react accordingly

If this is the case and you can support it with hard evidence, it serves no purpose withholding it from us. Otherwise we have to treat it as just allegation.”

In a seemingly lighter tone, Davies recalls that the new management team and project resources and board have been in place only recently. “Within a short period of time gains will be made in areas such as contracts,” he writes. “We have already taken action on waivers and favours and have recast the budget for 2011-13, reducing the deficit by some €10 already.”

Closing off his letter, Davies tells the pilots: “You must give us time to implement our plan.”

It's all because of greed. CEOs are paid huge sums of money, MIA is sucking Air Malta dry... what do we expect?
quote from the times of malta-Adrian Coppini is the HR and Corporate Services Department Manager at Banif Bank (Malta) plc. He has played a fundamental role in the current restructuring process at Air Malta. He is also chairman of the airline's ICT Governance Committee which is responsible for the mapping and oversight of the company's ICT strategy. During his time at Air Malta plc in the role of Chief Officer HR & Corporate Services he had overall responsibility for ICT services, human resources, and project management. He is also a director on the SITA Board representing the Western European and African Airlines.Unquote. Mr Davies can you please explain if Mr coppini is on the board o SITA how can he make objective decisions on new IT contracts when anyone in the industry knows that SITA are a main competitor when it comes to Airline systems and IT. Airmalta already made a big mistake in the past going for the Sabre system which is a system hardly used by any airline in europe. Anyone working in KM can remember and tell you what a big mistake that was and how much it cost the airline!!!!! now we have someone who is biased towards another IT company. How can we be sure that the Best interest of the COMPANY will be at play when new contracts are given!!???
The Faith of Air Malta: Peter Davies appointed CEO of Air South West in 2009 In May 2009 the airline underwent a rebrand to broaden their target audience and increase their market presence. A new slogan of “Fly Britain’s Local Airline” was adopted and supported by a television commercial on regional channels, a revamped website [1] and a nationwide advertising campaign. In May 2010 Sutton Harbour Holdings, the parent company of Air Southwest, announced that the airline was to be sold to enable the company to "resource activities more effectively".[15] Following a drop in profits by £600,000, the airline was sold to Humberside-based Eastern Airways in September 2010.[16] On 1 December 2010, the sale was completed to Eastern Airways. Just took him just over a year to bankrupt and cause the ale of the company. So the governmenthas a clea one way direction SELL Airmalta as all ther companies
Brand? What brand? The only brand we keep on remembering is the GonziPN brand...synonomous with sleeze, 500 euros increase, and the 'CUC' MALTI SYDROME! Yep, the 'zatat of all zatat' Toninu li rieqed dejjem taht il-friex!
With all the ongoing privitizations,except from the taxes which Government takes in,the profits are being reaped mainly by the foreigners.Is it a wonder then,why our economy is cripppling,as the money is being pumped out of this country all the time.How can the economy of Malta,small as it is, be strong, if in the end of the day,foreigners are reaping all the profits and not the Maltese.Thanks PN for ruing the Maltese country,and its hard earned national assets.We really became in the era of early-mid 1980`s under what was then, an outdated Govnmt.The LP can also adopt your 1987 motto,xoghol,guztizzja u I see nothing left of these three!!Shame on you!!
@ HAHa. THis column is not a debate about EU. The majority voted and wanted membership in EU. Now if EU collapses everyone gains his own independence once again but that will only happen if EU collapses. Note. The problem with EU are the conservative majority of MP who as the maltese government have a conservative politics. The EU was founded initially years ago by Socialists with the intention of solidarity between countries. Unless EU colapses and ends Malta will respect the majority of the maltese to remain part of EU. I Say again even as EU members our government can do alot if he truly blieve in Maltese assets and keeps his country's needs first and foremost. Unfortunately under 30 years of PN rule I question everyone to tell me besides Air Malta what else is left? So after having sold all the enterprises born by PL governmemts reduced the social services, increased taxes and bills increased NI contributions and we find ourselves with 4 billion euro debt. Can anyone illuminate me and tell me where all our money went?
Dear Mr. Davies, if my memory serves me right, you said that you never attended university, so can you kindly enlighten us what qualifications do YOU have to serve as CEO? And with regards to part-time work, i hope you got the approval yourself cause it seems you are employed on a part-time basis.
ps solidarity. Go to and see the various links to see how the euro crisis has developed over the last year and see how nothing can save it. It will shortly be followed by the eu itself so we shall be Independent and Free in the not too distant future thank God.
No, Solidarity. We shall leave the eu and regain our Independence and Freedom. It won't be that long because the euro and the au are going out and nothing can stop them from being consigned to the dustbin of history to where they rightly belong. Go read the international news and you will see what I mean. No wenzu. Just to shout that we need to do what I explained to save ourselves, our descendants and our country.
@ HaHa Is your keyboard broke?
Joseph MELI
Just one question for Mr.Davies- regarding question NO.10.What is the plan Air Malta are implementing exactly and how much more time do they need?
@Haha We are part of EU and we will remain so. Having said that we need a government that defends the intrests of Malta and the Maltese before anything else. Mintoff used to say Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox This is what we need patriotism and love for our country
duncan abela
Make no bones about it a strike will simply give AIRMALTA its "coup de grace" Perhaps a more honorable way to go than a lingering death but certainly the disastrous effects for the majority of workers within the company if bankruptcy follows will be much more ruinous than accepting the tough adjustments and medicine ahead. It is useless to continue to harp on past mistakes committed by many for they will not in any way improve the present chances of survival of the company. Airmalta is now in intensive care and this is the stark reality. It will take very little to push it over the edge. Malta is not a large country like Italy which could flout EU rules in its defence of ALIITALIA. The EU wil be on us like a hawk forcing us to declare AIRMALTA bankrupt if the situation of viability deteriorates as it will with an impending strike and the restructuring plan presented to Brussels is overtaken by events. If we truly feel National pride in having our own airline then in the National interest we must at this delicate stage ensure it does not go under. We can then perhaps hope for better times ahead for the airline perhaps under a different future leadership of the country. As Mr Davies rightly points out once AirMalta becomes a damaged brand it destiny is sealed.
@eagleye..... No it was not ok for BA and Alitalia crew to strike and no it is not ok for Air Malta pilots to strike. Striking is for people who think they are owed a job! No one is owed a job - pilots included. FYI Alitalia was privatized and many lost their jobs as it too was a state run, bloated, inefficient and debt ridden airline. The difference now that it has been privitazised is huge - vastly improved. Governments should not be running airlines - they are bound to fail due to politics, favors and votes. We are not in the 70's anymore - we live in a global economy where free market reigns and enterprise is the driver of the economy. As for your cheap comment about being pathetic - pathetic are those who don't know how to make reasonable arguments and valid points and instead choose to offend people. Figure it out for yourself if you fall within that category. With all due respect 1. I am a paying customer and in hospitality industry the customer is King. 2. I am a tax payer and don't sympathize with funding debt ridden public entitities and icurring further loss of revenues at air Malta due to a senseless and self centric strike.
Dan Davies joqghod jghid li l-Airmalta jkolla tghalaq minhabba l-istrajk tal-piloti ta gurnata... Mela l-ahwa, li kieku alla hares qatt jisbroffa wahda tajba l-Etna u l-Airmalta tghamel gimgha ma ttirx, bhal ma ghamlu ajruplani ohra meta sbroffa l-vulkan ta iceland....kieku x'jghamel Davies, imur jigbor bis-sasla bieb bieb biex isalva l-Airmalta? Kemm se ndumu ngibu barranin u minn fuq li jithallsu Eur500,000 jridu jghaddu z-zmien bina wkoll issa? u ha jheddu li jaghalqu l-kumpanija fuq semplici srtike tal -haddiema li wara kollox huwa dritt fundamentali skond l-ewropa Bdoti thallux lil min jhedded Nitolbu biex ma jisbroffax l-Etna ghal gurnata wahda biss ghax ikolna nghalqu!!!!! Polplu malti thallix izjed nies jghaddu zmien bik!!!!
Batejna. stinkajna, iggielidna, hallasna biex tlajna il-fuq u bedjna ingawdu il-frott X'gara ? Gie Partit Nazzjonalista u beda iffarrak kollox, kollox, kollox Il-haddiem beda jigi smat ta' zibel Peter Davies jitmellah mil dawk li sejrin jigu is-sensjati L-arriva titmejjel bil-poplu Malti ghaliex sal-llum biex wasalt mil-belt sa tas-sliema siegha u kwart Il-Gvern jinteressah li ma jitilfux il-500 eruo u lest ibieh l-ahhar assi li fadal tal-polu Malti. tal-qalba jieklu u jixorbu kemm jifilhu f'kull dipartiment u f'kull azjenda ohra. tant hawn guh li kull gimgha qed issir marathona ghal -karita Hafna nies qedin joqodu lura mhux min kapricci biss imma min affarijiet necessarji ohra. In-nies qedin ibiehu debhom ukoll issa biex forsi iwwaslu u minn qed jitkellem ? u min jinterressah? Issa siirna nafu li Malta ma tiflahx ghal gurnata strike Mela veru wasalna fix-xifer Nahseb li ser nippikkaw ma l-Italja, minn sejjer japplika ghal-"bail out" l-ewwel Din hija l-Ewropa? Dawn huma il-par idejn sodi ta' Gonzi u shanu ?
@eagleeye what did BA and Alitalia achieve by striking? @all the others: Why attacking Mr Davies? He was employed with the target of saving Airmalta, and I am sure he will leave no stone unturned to achieve this. The whole blame has to be put on the feet of the incompetent PN government who knew what going to happen to Airmalta some 7 years ago (if not more) and instead of taking necessary action, sent misleading letters to the workers. For the good of the country, I honestly hope that there will be no strikes by the pilots AND that every worker and his/her family remember these times come election time.
@ John Lusignan So it is ok for BA cabin crew to strike, it is ok for Alitalia staff to go on srike, but it is not acceptable for airmalta pilots to strike because you need to travel, how pathetic!!
To all those supporting the pilots I hope you are aware how insane this talk of strinke action is! The pilots are digging their own grave - I need to travel later this week and have just booked easy jet as no one wants to travel when there is uncertainty. Thousands of others have probably just done as I have. This irresponsible talk will regrettably lead to all Air Malta employees losing their jobs.
To all those supporting the pilots I hope you are aware how insane this talk of strinke action is! The pilots are digging their own grave - I need to travel later this week and have just booked easy jet as no one wants to travel when there is uncertainty. Thousands of others have probably just done as I have. This irresponsible talk will regrettably lead to all Air Malta employees losing their jobs.
Ara ma jigix xi hadd u jghejd li Malta indipendenti ta.......ghax nibatu jiehu cafe`. Ara ma jigix xi nazzjonalist u jiftahar bl`indipendenza li gab nanuh fil 21 ta Settembru tas sena 1964. Independenti igibu barrani u jghedded bil hobz tal Maltin. Kieku kien ghad hemm Mintoff diga gerbu il barra b`saqajh ma sor..u, bhal ma kien ghamel lil Birindelli tan Nato. In nazzjonalisti ( Tonio Fensch ) mhux ghax ma sabx xi cuc Malti, imma gab BOJJA barrani, ghax l`ebda Malti ma ghandu il guts li ikecci lil hutu Maltin. Ara dan il barrani li qeghedin ihallsuh il miljuni x`ghala zo..u mil Maltin u il familji tahhom. Issa jekk jirnexxilu l-iskop ta mohhu u l- AirMalta ma tighiex fuq saqajha, tarah iparpar bhal ma ghamlu qabel. U hekk ser jigri.
Dr Tonio Fenech int ghet li ridt ISSALVA lil Air Malta Kieku vera ridt issalva lil Air Malta gejt LAHHAQI lil dan IC CUC Peter Davies u qied ITTIH nofs miljun ewro PAGA (500,000) u dan IC CUC li LAHHAQT IMPIEGA 3 min SHABU ohra ma l-Air Malta u bejnithom qedin JIEHDU Nofs Miljun iehor Dr Cuc Tonio Fenech BMILJUN ewro kont THALLAS IL HADDIEMA kollha li ghandek JAHDMU mal Air Malta ghalhekk bhal ma GHID int STESS Dr Cuc Tonio Fenech INT ma tifimx fl- OPERAT ta l-Air Malta ghallura bhala CUC li int mhux ahjar twarrab min hemm u il HOBZ ITTIH LIL MIN JAF JIEKLU
It is true that a strike could damage Air Malta's brand image but Mr. CEO P. Davies what action are you taking to improve the financial status of Air Malta ? Have you been placed by the goverment to destroy air malta ? Where has amount loaned to help airmalta been spent? Why are you trying to slow down the revision of contracts? If one figures out things economically even if airmalta reduces 500 employees in 2 years time it will still be in deep financial difficulties. What is your strategic vision or course of action that you are using to save and revive air malta? or perhaps you are a puppet appointed by the goverment who is pulling at your strings and behind lies as usual another hidden agenda. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO STRIKE !!!!!
And Also Mr Davies and Mr Government. If a 3 year moratorioum is not possible because of EU laws ALPA asked the government to use the old terminal and as such bypass the MIA charges. This can be done with No problem. BUT the government against all EU laws gave a monoploy to MIA. Very clear his intrests are making Bianchi even richer not making airmalta viable. Only the founders of airmalta can save it and since their main objectives where not friends but maltese asets they employed a cuc malti to run it without giving him 500 000 euro wage and the airline made millions. But then the PN came on board. Made Azzurra air, bought RJ70, employed hundreads before elections, gave contracts to his friends at MIA amongs others, Is selling routes to airmalta competitors, Is subsidising giving millions to ryanair from our taxes. Onesolution An early election and we solve airmalta with no redundancies.
Davies says that ALPA’s demands for government to compensate MIA on a 3-year moratorium to Air Malta would be “pure state aid completely in breach of EU rules”. To hell with what the eu says. Air Malta is our NATIONAL Airline and the eu can shove their orders they know where. What the CEO should have said is that he is leaving and not burdening Air Malta with his fantastic salary fo €500,000 every year for three years and employing 3 of his friends ate God only knows what salary because the CEO is ashamed to tell us what they are being paid from our taxes. Davies, you cannot tell the Air Malta Pilots that they are wrong. They have been in this business in Air Malta much more than you. Davies says outsource contracts have benefited the airline. Wrong Davies. Who's pulling your strings? When Air Malta had everything in-house everything was much better except that the blue-eyed boys who got its contracts because they are precisely blue-eyed were not getting anything. Davies here says management is the responsibility of “management with valid qualifications, experience and capability” No Davies, the Pilots sure know more than you do. They have first-hand experience of the problems in Air Malta, something that you can never have because you are new and they have been there much more before our crap GONEZI hired you at your fantastic to be here only for 3 days a week. but then adds that company employees who do part-time work must get the approval of the company. Wrong Davies, you have no right to stop people from doing a part-time job. We have a saying in Maltese, "Il-Qasba ma ċċaqaqx għalxejn". Tell them to translate it for you Davies.
As far as I know the pilots and airmalta staff have no issues with AirMalta but they are dsagreeing with the attitude of the major share holder which is the government. So the government on one and says he loves air Malta then on the other hand A) He is seling rots to competitors B) He used the 52M Euro restructuring money to pay off bils instead in actual restructuring. C) He appointed earnst and young spent 10 Million on a report he did not use. D) Appointed a non cuc malti for 500-000 euro a year. The pilots told the government that unless he changes major contracts given to his friends there is no way the airline can survive. An estimate lifetime would be a further few months even after redundancies. They basically are asking the government to start acting now on the necessary reforms not try to save the airline up to next election and close it the day after. They gave him up to Wednesday to come with black on white solutions. So far we heared nothing so if this is the attitude of the government the workers will not be used for vote catching but will quit now not after an election. With same ending result might as well end things now not then. The ball is not in Davies hands but in the major shareholder's decision hands. We are all awaiting the governments reply.
How irresponsible and shameless of our government and its cronies and hired guns (which Mr Davies is one of them!) to put the blame on workers. Shame on you! You brought Air Malta to its knees and now its your responsibility to put it back on its feet! But no, actually it's the Air Malta pilots who are negotiating new terms for their airline! This is unheard of! And where's that "ċuċ" of Finance Minister responsible for Air Malta? On the way on a private jet of a businessman/friend to watch football in England???
Miriam, your English is atrocious. Doesn't anyone proof-read articles before they are uploaded to the website?
to malti kburi a bit less national pride and more common sense. Attacking Funk is simply misplaced since engaging expertise and not acting on it has always been Air Malta's way of doing things. If you ever listened to his comments he advocated curbing costs and increasing productivity but he ended up being a puppet of an egocentric minister, a chairman who was totally out of his depth and management hierarchy which blocked any progress forward. Funk was certainly no superman but when all is said and done, Malta certainly got what it fully deserved. After all we both voted for the system. Mea culpa
IN REPLY TO MR. DAVIES. With all due respect Sir, your replies are A simple address to the gullible and contain more hot air than a hot air balloon. Had you been a true and profession manager you should have made these statements in a press conference and gave the right to the media to question such ridiculous assessments. Truthfully I do not expect any better from a part time executive who found self indulgence in a desperate administration. With regards TO your lame excuses please note the following> (a) What do you call the state subsidies AIRBUS recieves from France & Britian, that Boeing has been trying to stop within the EU courts to no avail. What's good for EADS must be good for AIRMALTA. The privatisation of MIA was a banality, the government ought to buy back controlling interest to serve and service this island and its state national airline after all the government still is responsible for the bulk of the costs involved with law & order and customs survellience. (b) “wielding the hatchet indiscriminately across the board is grossly irresponsible to say the least, verging on the vindictive.” On the present scandal of News of the World, Me. Murdoch ditched everybody by closing the paper. Do you consider that vindictive? (c) .” But he then says that thinking that Air Malta will achieve its turnaround solely by revamping its cargo business “is a grossly misstated claim.” If the management at the Cargo handling is causing financial burdens because of unbridled nepotism, one must start putting bandages where the patient is bleeding. ONE WOULD HOPE THAT YOUR SHORT STINT AT AIRMALTA IS NOT THE BEGINING OF AN EXCERCISE THAT WOULD SEE AIRMALTA AMALGAMATED WITH ANOTHER AIRLINE OR SIMPLY HANDED OVER TO CABALS THAT HAS PROVED VERY SECCEESSFUL IN DEALING IN AN AURA OF UNBRIDLED GREED AND DESTRUCTIVE CAPITALISM. MALTA HAS TOO MANY EXAMPLES FROM THE PAST THAT HAS THIS NATION IN TREPIDATION TOWARDS THE FUTURE OF ITS NATIONAL AIRLINE. I can only hope that your contract has a clause where you have obtained imminoty from persecution for abuse of power and accountability.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Issa li tkellmu l-haddiema, issa dawn se jfallu l-Airmalta, issa hafna tehdid, izda xi hadd minn dawk li qed jghajjtu llum, qatt fetah halqu meta fil-fatt bdiet it-triq ghall-falliment tal-Linja ta' ajru nazzjonali billi hadu decizjonijiet hziena, billi bdejn nerdu minn fuq l-Airmalta billi nghataw hafna xoghol li seta' jsir minn haddiema tal-kumpaniji lil individwi u kumapniji ohra forsi biex inpattulhom ghal xi pjacir li ghamlulna. Issa hergin b'hafna kundanni meta l-haddiem qed jiggieled ghal hobzu, filwaqt li haddiehor li kellu sehem f'dak li wassal ghall-falliment ta' Airmalta qed bi kwietu jgawdi dak li hasad.
Dear Mr Davies, unless you win the sympathy of the workers you will fail miserably.In this instance the workers are right.We already had once a guy named Funk,paid the thousands of Maltese hard earned Euros like you,but he too failed,as he did not win the sympathy of workers.Up to you to either play the minister`s muppet or start to veer the ship from the imminent danger,it has been politically put in ,for years.You get your 500K a year and eventually leave,the workers have their company at heart and want to stay!They want to make sure it will stay and not vanish under the greediness of this government.This is your job,move your ass and make your pay worthwhile for benefit of Airmalta and the Maltese please.
Tonio should resign and take a holiday to Lourdes...remember to fly AM! Oh! I can catch a private jet.
Go and hide yourself u sucker! You have no idea of the sacrifices that Maltese families have done over the years to build and maintain this company. What change has there been since you were appointed as CEO? NOTHING! The only change is that you are sucking 500K out of taxpayers' money for a PT job. Just go back...your stupid comments are not welcome.
If you were SERIOUS CEO Peter Davies You should held a Conference for answering the ACCUSATION made by ALPA not answering them The one that is IRRESPONSIBLE is you because You should be HERE in Malta to CONFRONT the SITUATION not Abroad How can you know what's going on from abroad Mr Davies Minister Dr Tonio Fenech are you happy with this CUC CEO Peter Davies Cwiec are the VOTERS of your district if they vote for you again You remember when you were the Sindicate of B'KARA when you wanted that the citisens to pay a TAX so that they can park their cars
Isabelle Borg
What? No right to strike now? Piss off Mr. Davies.
Is this €0.5mill part timer making his comments locally, or from the comfort of his armchair at home. IF he was serious about this job, the first people to be chucked out SHOULD be all the PN appointed kiss arses.