Bernard Grech accuses Labour of creating a ‘culture of unfairness’
Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech: “people don’t want favours, but a level playing field”

Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech has slammed the Labour government for creating what he described as "a culture of unfairness" since being elected in 2013.
"You promised people one thing, and then gave them another," he said on Monday, during his speech in parliament on the budget estimates of the Office of the Prime Minister.
Grech said people have "little doubt" that MPs and ministers on government benches are there to carry out "personal favours".
"Look at Rosianne Cutajar, she pocketed €9,000 without paying any tax. God forbid a normal person does the same, they would be subject to countless checks and balances," the Opposition leader said.
Grech said despite the MP having been found guilty of an ethics breach by the parliamentary committee, she still enjoys the Prime Minister’s support.
"We also have the good governance minister who has been caught sending messages to an individual who is allegedly behind the biggest corruption scandals of this country’s history," he said, referring to Whatsapp exchanges between Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis and murder suspect Yorgen Fenech.
"This is the person who is tasked with carrying out reforms outlined by the public inquiry. Is there any other country which would accept this situation?" Grech said.
He said MPs faced with these allegations cling on to their parliamentary seat because it protects them from justice. "The standard of political honesty has been thrown out the door."
Grech said a PN government will change the situation.
"People are calling for politicians who are different. We will start giving MPs a fulltime salary, and equipping them with the necessary resources to carry out their work," he said.
He said people don’t want favours, but a level playing field. "Labour looks at your price, we look at your value."
On the environment, Grech said there has been no limit to the destruction carried out by Labour administrations.
The Opposition leader concluded by saying a PN government will get the country off the greylist, and "restore the country’s reputation".