Air Malta engineers undecided over Friday demonstration
Union of airline engineers undecided over joining national demonstration by Forum unions, ALPA and GWU.
The Association of Airline Engineers has announced it has not taken a final decision whether it will participate in a planned demonstration by Air Malta unions, the Forum unions’ federation, and the General Workers Union on Friday.
“Concerning the planned demonstration, discussions with Forum and AAE members are ongoing and – contrary to media reports – no final decision has yet been taken,” the union said in a statement.
The demonstration is being spearheaded by the Airline Pilots Association (ALPA), which is expected to decide on Wednesday whether to go ahead with plans to ground aircraft on 16 July. Air Malta today filed a judicial protest against ALPA.
The AAE said it would work within the Forum unions’ federation and other Air Malta unions to find the best solutions possible for employees at the national airline facing redundancies.
The Association of Airline Engineers (AAE) Malta is in active discussions with Air Malta management in finding solutions to the many problems the Company is facing. These discussions are still at the very earliest stages.
“We don’t believe that dismissing employees can solve the company’s problems or make up for bad management decisions in the past,” the AAE said in a statement today.
“Over the years, one-sided commercial contracts have crippled the airline almost out of existence. The Association wants to see Air Malta management be proactive and aggressive on renegotiating its commercial contracts and restoring the company to profitability.”
The AAE, like the Airline Pilots Association and the Union of Cabin Crew, is a member of Forum, a federation of 11 unions which will be leading a demonstration with the General Workers Union on Friday.
Earlier today, the Malta Institute of Management joined the chorus of industry associations and employers’ organisations calling on ALPA to abandon strike actions.
“It is clear that the future of the national airline may be at stake… the MIM appeals to all concerned to leave no stone unturned, through flexible attitudes and constructive dialogue, to hopefully find in good time the urgently needed equitable solutions.”