Arriva services ‘started well this morning’

Following a week of wildcat strikes, long delays and complaints by the public, Arriva Malta reported good services this morning.

Arriva Malta said public transport services had started well in the morning, following the additional on-the-job training it provided in recent days for support staff and overseas drivers.

Arriva fired some 56 drivers who did not report for work on the first day of the new public transport service. In response, the company brought in UK drivers on a temporary basis. But then again on Friday, a number of other drivers also decided not to report for work. 

“With more people travelling it is evident that loading times are increasing as a result of the additional on-board ticket purchases,” Arriva spokesman Danny Gilbert said, adding this was resulting in extra journey time.

Gilbert said that Arriva has been working closely with Transport Malta to mobilise additional resources during the day to enhance the services at times of delay.

Meanwhile, a coordinated short term review of the network is underway. Gilbert said the review had the goal of improving service delivery on selected routes based on customer feedback and early operating experience.

Gilbert added that any service changes resulting from the initial review will be broadcast in advance.

@macami Would have been nice to let readers of your comment know that the verses you cut and pasted are actually a recent poem by literary stalwart Trevor Zahra...
Dawra Bl-Arriva Ftaht ghajnejja. Ftaht widnejja. Imma l-ARRIVA meta gejja? Jaqbez u jonfoh u jrewwah kulhadd… ARRIVA… ARRIVA… U ma tasal qatt. Min-Naxxar ridt ninzel Birkirkara U ntbaht kemm Malta veru fiha x’tara Ghax morna l-Mosta U araw xi grali L-ARRIVA gibdet lejn Ta’ Qali; U tlajna r-Rabat sa fuq nett nett U qbadna r-rotta lejn il-Buskett… “Please, Sur ARRIVA, kif mintix tara Jien ridt biss nasal sa Birkirkara…!?” Imma qaluli: “B’zewg ewro u ftit… Hawn ara x’lussu… Nehduk fejn trid. Hares ftit Malta… Kemm hi sabiha, Qbadna triqitna, lejn il-Mellieha! Ara l-ghelieqi… bil-gdur u l-basal…” U Birkirkara? Meta se tasal? Xejn thabblu raskom jekk taslu tard, Ghax dina qisha l-Vapur ta l-Art, Hekk nisthajjilna flimkien sejrin Id-dawra ta’ Malta, ma’ tal-kazin. Karozzi lussuzi… Spazjuzi… Enormi Xufiera jitbissmu libsin l-uniformi, U b’dak l-air condition ikessah kull hin… Xi tridu aktar… Gesu’ Hanin…? U bil-kumdita kollha’ Bla l-ebda xkiel jew saram Hawn Mister, wassalniek Birkirkara… U kwazi dalam!
Arriva should return to the old network routes and subsequently expand and introduce new destinations and an extended network according to the experience gained and other public requirements.
About time as well. We were better off with the lot that we knew the old proverb says.