Air Malta’s CEO not in Malta three days of the week

Air Malta’s Chief Executive Officer Peter Davies returns to work on Tuesdays from UK, unions say.

Unions representing workers at Air Malta have taken issue with the fact that Air Malta’s CEO Peter Davies, who is paid €500,000 a year and is responsible of the critical restructuring of Malta’s national airline, is on the island only three times a week.

Contacted by MaltaToday, president of the Forum of the Maltese Unions (FORUM) John Benicini said he is informed that Davies leaves Malta on Friday for the UK and is back to work on Tuesday.

The Forum confederation – which includes the unions of cabin crew, airline engineers, and pilots – and the General Workers Union have joined the pilots’ union ALPA in calling for a national demonstration on the national airline.

Bencini said that while he recognises that in today’s globalised world, one can still work while he is abroad, the situation Air Malta is facing at the moment requires Davies’s physical presence. “At such a critical moment, it is common that urgent meetings need to be called when difficulties or problems arise,” Bencini said.

“Not being on the island and not having the possibility to conduct face to face meetings does not benefit the situation.”

Air Malta had still not replied to questions sent by MaltaToday on Monday morning.

Its either that the airline including new management and boards and ministers are doing their damnest to kill Air Malta or they must have all escaped from the loony bin. Why did I just pay Euros 236.52 to go and come to Spain at very civil hours on two separete Low Cost Airlines and the Air Malta site as I write quotes Euros 753.17 for a worse service as it has to go via a German airport? I try to bend backwards to fly with Air Malta but My conscience would kill me knowing I paid nearly 220% more. Can anyone enlighten me???
Granted that two wrongs don't make a right, but still: what about the many highly paid MEPs and EU civil servants who are supposed to be working in Brussels, but go on week-end back in Malta on Thursday and fly up on Monday (exactly like Mr. Davies) ? Isn't that equally wrong?
So this guy is making approx 10,000 euro a week. And we wonder why Air Malta is in big trouble. This is legal cheating.
If this guy can't commit himself FULL time for half a million a year, then he should quit. Better still, we the taxpayers, should tell the bugger to STAY AWAY. He is not doing anything for Air Malta- just another bloodsucker. Gonzi's lakeys are quite well versed to screw everything up. That IS the plan after all.
"Bencini said that while he recognises that in today’s globalised world, one can still work while he is abroad, the situation Air Malta is facing at the moment requires Davies’s physical presence."...Bull Bencini..ask any business man whether he can manage his business by remote control especially during such a delicate period....go on...keep licking unions.
So what FORUM, ALPA and all the rest??? You had your chance of making some noise but you lost it because you're dead afraid of Big Daddy who called you at Castille and hypnotized you. Now SHUT UP! If workers are to be fired let it be so....chi tace consente! And please answer this question: What on earth are you protesting about on Friday given that assurances have been given and agreements reached????
Nilaqu, Nilaqu, Nilaqu lil SLOGAN TAL PN!