Franco Debono calls for 'update' of constitution to reflect a 'European Malta'

Nationalist MP Franco Debono stressed that the “time has come” to update the country’s Constitution to reflect ‘European Malta’ 

Speaking this morning in parliament where he said that he would be voting in favour of the introduction of divorce to respect the people’s decision as expressed in last May’s referendum, the outspoken Ghaxaq MP invited President George Abela to intervene and take ownership of the need for reforms in Malta’s democratic progression as a fully-fledged European state.

“We must reform, and our Constitution must reflect European Malta,” Debono said, adding that the time has come for serious reforms to be discussed and eventually introduced.

“We must strengthen the checks and balances to our democracy,” Debono said, adding that in the wake of stalled discussions within the ad hoc Committee for the Strengthening of Democracy, the President of the Republic must step in to ensure that democratic reform continues and be strengthened.

About his vote, Franco Debono said that although he had previously declared himself against the introduction of divorce, he had taken into consideration a number of facts based on the reality that a strong majority had voted in favour of its introduction during last May’s referendum.

He said that the PN was a party built on visionaries, and named Guido de Marco, Eddie Fenech Adami and Louis Galea as the main visionaries that made the party a strong and revolutionary movement that has changed a nation and its destiny.

The Constitution is overdue for a haul. It should reflect more the will of the people, as regards to religion and human rights (equal rights to all citizens). As Dr Debono said our constitution must reflect a European Malta and not a medival island. After all, we have been 7 years as part of a European Union.
Remember the inquisition?- a group of fanatical religious extremists who killed and tortured people in the name of their God. In Northern Ireland, religious loonies are still carrying on the tradition. Atheists don't do that kind of thing, their moral values are MUCH higher
@ Claudio "...anyone may have his own morals, yet, only those based on God will truly fulfill the person's life, family and society" What a load of hogwash! So yes, you are clearly stating that those who do not believe in God have cheap morals, or as you are putting it, morals that do not fulfill the person's life, family and society. That brings our discussion to an end as I cannot discuss serious matters on superstitious basis. I'll just tell you one thing - I know atheists who lead their lives on sound morals and I know many devout Catholics who can't wait to backstab others for personal gain.
Thorny nux għalhekk il-PARLAment il-ġdid se jagħmluh fuq is-saqajn (Stilts) bħal ma jużaw il-buffi tal-kummiedja? Mhux kummiedja u skoss buffi jikkummidjaw fih ġabu GONEZI?
@David Caruana I did not say that atheists do not have morals...anything not based on Jesus Christ is less than we were intended for. No one person - famous or most famous - ever said "I am the truth, the way and the life". Therefore, anyone may have his own morals, yet, only those based on God will truly fulfill the person's life, family and society.
@ Claudio Article 2 must go... and it will go, eventually. Article 2 does not make sense as it gives privilige to one specific creed - the roman Catholic one. A constitution MUST protect ALL the citizens of Malta, be they Catholics, Atheists, Hindu or whichever belief. Are you implying that atheists do not have morals?
Do you think that both sides of the House, to become European, want to change the Constitution? ...basically annihilating anything regarding religion...and allowing the rest so that we are like the 'others'? What a shame of most of MPs! No wonder most of you do not know how to argue when conscience is in question...How can you? I challenge your values...on what are they based? Who guides you in your moral decisions...your constituents or God through the Church?
Luke Camilleri
Dawk ha jdumu jikkumiedjaw? Ghal fejn ma jaghmlux tinda tal-kummiedja flok parlament gdid?
Franco Debono, Which constitution are you referring to ? Because the one that we have, you, as part of the Maltese parliament ( refering to all members from both sides ) has been squashing our constitution for these last 20 years, especially recently, with the Libya`s conflict. Fully armed Warships, entering our harbors, war planes invaded our airspace, and coming and going like they are using us as a lavatory. Yes, our constitution should be dumped, and start all over again. At least we stop making a mockery out of the Maltese citizens.